Integrating Our Life: The Wish to Be Happy & Guru-Yoga


We’ve been looking at some methods that help us to integrate our lives. We’ve also looked at the background from which these practices derive. In the larger Buddhist context, we are aiming to ensure that our future lives continue to have a precious human form like we have now, as a working basis for continuing our development. This is because we understand that our individual mental continuum has no beginning and no end. Moment to moment, our experiences are affected very strongly by disturbing emotions and attitudes, and our impulsive behavior based on that just perpetuates the syndrome.

All of this derives from our confusion about cause and effect and about reality, which can be countered by a correct understanding that is mutually exclusive with it. If we can stay focused with that correct understanding all the time, then that misunderstanding will never be able to arise again. And when that misunderstanding is no longer present, then the disturbing emotions and the compulsive behavior that is based on it will also not recur. Therefore, the various problems that are associated with our moment-to-moment experience of life will also not arise. Then, we understand the basic purity of the mind, that all these troublemakers are what we call “fleeting stains.” They obscure the pure nature of the mind, but are fleeting in the sense that they can be removed. That mental continuum is going to go on forever, and since we realize that it’s possible for our experience of life to be free of all the problems, dissatisfaction, and frustration we have now, it gives us the courage and confidence to work toward that goal. That goal is called “liberation.”

In our understanding of reality, we come to see that our own mental continuum is something that doesn’t exist independently, in isolation from everything else, establishing itself by its own power. Rather, it’s made up of moment-to-moment experiences that are affected by many, many other factors. The technical way of saying this is that each moment arises dependently on many other factors. And the external factors that it depends on are not limited to just material objects. Each moment is also influenced by everybody else – the mental continuums of everybody else – and the larger units that are made up of that, such as family units, society, nations, and so on.
