Not-Yet-Happening Events

Karma: Neither Deterministic nor Predetermined

We’ve been discussing karma, and we saw that there are various systems with which karma is explained. However, what we are speaking about when we talk about karma is our compulsive behavior, what brings on our compulsive behavior, and the effects of our compulsive behavior on ourselves and how this builds up various habits and tendencies and so on that are going to then ripen into various things that we experience with, basically, suffering. It’s various types of suffering of samsara, whether it’s the suffering of unhappiness, or the suffering of change, which is our ordinary type of happiness (but it doesn’t last and doesn’t satisfy – our so-called worldly happiness), or just the all-pervasive problem of samsara – that we continue to have this type of basic aggregates (body and mind and so on) that is going to continue to bring on the other types of suffering. If we speak in terms of feelings, what we have is the regular type of suffering of unhappiness, our ordinary, so-called “tainted” happiness, and then the neutral feeling that we experience in higher, deep states of concentration. 

Karma explains how this whole system gets perpetuated, and it has nothing to do with reward or punishment, which would imply some figure external to the system who is a judge giving that reward or punishment. It is not deterministic, because it is possible to change what we experience; it’s possible to change what we do. Also, it’s not predetermined, because predetermined would imply that there is somebody external to the system who has decided what’s going to happen and it is fixed. It’s not total free will, which would imply that there is a “me” who is totally independent of everything that we experience and is able to make decisions independently of everything. Rather, whatever we experience can be explained, there are causes. It’s not that what happens to us is without any cause. There’s a big difference between something being deterministic and something being explainable, and this we will have to explore. 

When we start to look at what’s the difference between something being deterministic and something being explainable, deterministic, I think, has the connotation (maybe you can correct me from science) that once all the variables are given in a system, then the result is determined. Whereas explainable means that whatever happens can be explained. I think the difference is the direction in which we analyze. If, given the variables in a system, we analyze forwards, and the system is closed so that no other variables can affect it, then it’s determinist. If we analyze backwards from what’s already happened, it’s explainable. 

What’s the difference between deterministic and predictable? 

Deterministic means it’s definitely going to be this. Predictable implies a probability based on statistics, based on average, by means of which we could predict what is going to happen, like tomorrow’s weather, but there’s no certainty that that definitely will happen because there are many other factors that could affect it meanwhile. However, it is within certain parameters; it’s not that anything could happen, but given the variables in the system, it’s the various possibilities of what could happen. In both cases, we’re working from a given system to predict what’s going to happen in the future; whereas, everything is explainable is working backward; whatever happens, happens from causes, and we can figure out what the causes were. I think from a Buddhist point of view, what is absolutely for sure is that whatever happens can be explained. 

The difficulty comes because there are almost countless variables that affect what’s going on, what’s happening. This is why we need to look a little bit more closely at the Buddhist analysis of the different kinds of causes, although that’s very complex. We looked at one type of cause, the acting cause (byed-rgyu) – it’s everything other than the result itself, which implies that everything is interconnected, and everything affects everything else. The whole universe is one interconnected system. Nothing is independent, which, of course, if we think about it logically, comes from the Big Bang. If we use that as a model, then of course, everything has to be interrelated. 

Unless we’re a Buddha, we don’t have all the information. We don’t know all the variables. Only a Buddha is omniscient. If we try to look at what’s going to happen, all we can do is give a probability of what might happen, because we don’t have all the variables. A Buddha knows all the variables, so a Buddha knows what’s going to happen. We can only explain what has happened by analyzing backwards what the causes must have been, but only to the extent of the variables we are aware of. 

That then gets into a complicated discussion of past, present and future. The past, present and future aren’t things that are existing and happening now, simultaneously, somewhere in space-time. Rather, in Buddhism, we speak about the past as what’s no longer happening, the present as what is presently happening, and the future as what has not yet happened. The discussion becomes very complicated and difficult in terms of what does a Buddha actually know. A Buddha knows the three times without impediment and without attachment. 
