Nonstatic Phenomena as Static

How to Integrate the Teachings

Before we began today, I asked you to try to remember the main points of what we discussed last evening. This is a very important thing to try to do after we have heard a lecture, or after we’ve read something. I am not just referring to reading a newspaper or an advertisement on a storefront, I’m talking about when we read something that we’re trying to learn, whether it’s Dharma or anything else. After reading something or listening to a teaching, then just immediately after, we try to recall what the main points were. That way it makes a deeper impression on the mind. The next day as well, we see what it is that we remember.

We take notes because sometimes our memories are not that good, or they’re not very accurate, but it’s not sufficient to just rely on our notes. It’s like, for instance, when the time of our death comes, we can’t say to death, “Wait a minute. I have to go get my notes about what I need to be mindful of when I’m dying.” We have to have everything fresh in our minds and be able to have it instantly, as we say in English, “at our fingertips.” 

When we receive a teaching, whether listening orally or reading, we need to try to make an effort to digest it, to remember it, to make it part of ourselves, and not just remember the jokes or funny bits, but remember the essence of what we have heard or read. This is part of the whole process of meditating. Meditation has many different facets to it, and this is one facet of meditation, which is called “review;” it’s like “the reviewing meditation,” sometimes called “glance meditation.”

No matter what type of meditation we’re doing, we need first to remember the instructions. We can’t just sit down and say, “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I don’t remember what I’m supposed to do.” So even for the most basic type of meditation, even if it is just something like focusing on the breath, we have to remember, “What am I doing?” and “How do I do it?” and “Why am I doing it?” etc. This reviewing process is not just some intellectual exercise, but it really is part of how we integrate anything.

Often it’s helpful to put things into our own words. If we are a translator, we might need to remember every word that was spoken, so that we can translate it. However, it’s also important to put something into our own words, so that we confirm that we’ve understood it. This is something that we can do either by ourselves, or we can help each other, by working with one other person, or in a group of people. Somebody explains something and the next person has to explain it back in their own words. This way, we help each other to understand.

The Tibetan monks and nuns train by debating, which is basically challenging each other’s understanding by asking questions, and trying to make sure that the other person is consistent in their understanding, that they don’t contradict themselves. Even if we don’t get into debate and logic, which is not absolutely necessary, unless we really want to go deeply; nevertheless, if we just simply ask each other what our understanding is, and if that understanding is incorrect, then correct each other, or go back to tapes, go back to notes, etc., then, we will clarify things. This is the process by which we can gain a more correct and accurate understanding.

Here is where motivation comes in, because we really need to want to get a clear understanding. If we don’t care, then we just go to a teaching, and we’re there, but it goes in one ear and out the other, and that’s it. It becomes maybe a social event, and that’s all. We have to really want to understand and this depends upon our motivation. There are many levels of motivation and Buddhism presents a whole course of training to develop stronger and stronger motivation, but there’s no need to go into that in any detail.
