Three white and two red masters of Sakya

The five founding fathers of the Sakya tradition, all of whom were from the Kon ('Khon) family. The three white masters, who were all laymen, were Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (Sa-chen Kun-dga' snying-po) (1092–1158), Sonam Tsemo (bSod-nams rtse-mo) (1142–1182), and Dragpa Gyaltsen (Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan) (1147–1216). The two red masters, who were both monks, were Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen (Sa-pan Kun-dga' rgyal-mtshan) (1182–1251) and Chogyal Pagpa (Chos-rgyal 'Phags-pa) (1235–1280).

Tibetan: ས་སྐྱ་དཀར་པོ་རྣམ་གསུམ་དམར་པོ་རྣམ་གཉིས། Sa-skya dkar-po rnam-gsum dmar-po rnam-gnyis

Other languages

Deutsch: Drei weiße und zwei rote Meister des Sakya