Why Only Some Have Developed First-Time Bodhichitta

Buddha-Nature Factors

We have beginningless unawareness, these two obscurations, and beginningless Buddha-nature, these two networks. On the basis level, because we’re building up positive force with unawareness, naivety, and so on, it just becomes a samsara-building network. In order for these to become pure-building networks, a limited being needs to develop renunciation, or renunciation and bodhichitta, for the first time and then develop them further. Now unlike becoming my mother, developing renunciation and bodhichitta cannot occur naturally without the inspiration and teachings from a Buddha and without individual effort.

Part of our Buddha-nature, another aspect of it, is the ability of our mental continuums to be inspired. It’s referring to a whole set of factors that will transform into the various Bodies of the Buddha or allow for such a transformation to occur. You know the Bodies of a Buddha? The Form Bodies, the Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya, etc. So one of the factors that will allow that transformation is the fact that, unlike a rock, we can be inspired, uplifted. That word inspiration (byin-gyis rlabs) a lot of people translate as blessing. I think that’s a totally misleading way of translating it. It has nothing to do with being blessed from on high and so on. Inspired through inspiration of a Buddha or a teacher or, in our Western terms, by the sunset – you can be inspired, uplifted.

So we have this as part of our Buddha-nature, and we also have the beginningless mental factors that will allow for effort. We have concentration – we have all these mental factors that are part of the aggregates, but they are again clouded and limited by beginningless unawareness and grasping for truly established existence. So we have the factors that will allow us to become a Buddha, and then we have other factors that prevent them from functioning fully. This is the dynamic that we are faced with that describes samsara, the ups and downs of samsara. It’s the dialectic between these two. So samsara.

The Implications of Time Being Beginningless in Terms of the Development of the Buddha-Nature Factors

Now, again one starts to analyze this and think about it. The important factor, which is quite difficult for us as Westerners to deal with, is no beginning, beginninglessness. If there were a beginning and at the beginning all limited beings were equal in having the same strengths of unawareness and grasping for true existence, then it would be difficult to account for the differences in how this finite number of limited beings develop spiritually. Do you follow that? If we all started out at the same point and we had infinite time, how do you account for the differences? That’s the problem with a beginning, one of the many, many problems with a beginning. And as I said, don’t trivialize the strength of our habitual way of thinking in terms of a beginning. We have that with science with the Big Bang. We have it with our Western religions with creation. So it’s very deeply embedded in our way of thinking.

If there were a beginning and everybody started out as equal the same, why should some limited beings have developed renunciation and bodhichitta for the first time and gone on to attain liberation and enlightenment while others have not? Unawareness or ignorance is preventing liberation and enlightenment. The opposing force is correct discriminating awareness of voidness. But that by itself is not enough. With a correct conceptual cognition of voidness but without either the force of renunciation or bodhichitta behind it, all that will do will be that it will make us very clever and maybe intelligent within samsara. Without renunciation and bodhichitta behind it, it’s impossible to have a non-conceptual cognition of voidness. You can get a conceptual one.

Do you know what a conceptual cognition and non-conceptual means? That’s not so easy to understand. Again a footnote: Conceptual means that you are thinking in terms of a category, voidness, and we have something that represents that when we focus on it or think about it. Think of a dog. Now everybody has undoubtedly a different picture in their mind – so-called in their mind, the Western way of talking – of what a dog looks like, don’t they? When we think of a dog, either there’s the sound of the word “dog” or we have a mental picture of a dog, but we’re thinking in terms of the category dog. Conceptual doesn’t have to be verbal, you know, and it doesn’t have to be a line of thinking. So when we’re conceptually focusing on voidness, we have the category voidness, we know what it means, and we have something that represents it, like empty space. And so we can be focusing on actual voidness but it’s through the veil, through the category, a mental picture, and then voidness itself. That’s conceptual.

Non-conceptual means without the category and the mental picture. We could give it a name though, and we know what it is. That’s the difficult thing to be able to understand with non-conceptual: it still has understanding. But we won’t go into that. It’s very important to – I mean, we’re always talking about conceptual and non-conceptual – to really understand what that’s referring to. To see a dog, know it’s a dog, without thinking “dog.” And of course we can see it without saying “dog” in our mind; we’re not talking about that simplistic level. Anyway, enough.

So the correct understanding of voidness needs to be held by the force of bodhichitta in order for it to oppose these factors that are preventing liberation and enlightenment. OK, so here’s the difficult situation, and it’s difficult to really, I think, appreciate the ramifications of this next point. Since there’s no beginning and each limited being is an individual with different strengths of unawareness, grasping for true existence, it’s been different forever. No beginning – it’s always been different, different strengths of these two networks, these samsara-building networks, different strengths of karmic aftermath and the tendencies of disturbing emotions and so on. Right? The aftermath of karma, the karmic tendencies, etc., and the different tendencies of disturbing emotions, the tendency to get angry, the tendency to have attachment. That’s been different forever in everybody. And different strengths of the mental factors enabling spiritual growth; it’s always been different levels in everybody – of concentration, discriminating awareness, intelligence, etc. It’s hard to conceive that it’s always been different. There’s no beginning when it started out at zero or started out at level one or whatever. But because of these differences, occasionally some limited beings may develop renunciation and bodhichitta.

Limited being (sems-can) – that’s usually translated as sentient being. Remember, Buddha is not a sentient being. Limited means a limited hardware, limited mind – not in terms of crippled, but limited in that it’s not omniscient – and limited body. Just think about it. If you had the brain of an earthworm, what would you be able to do? Your hardware is limited. Very little that you can do if you have a chicken brain as your hardware and you don’t even have hands. It’s very interesting to think in terms of hardware as in computer hardware. A Buddha’s not a sentient being, so that’s why sentient, in English at least, is a little bit misleading. And we’re not talking about plants either. It has to be a being that has intention and will experience the consequences of what it does based on intention, so not a plant, not a rock.

There’s no beginning, so all these factors have always been different. Think about that. That really is not easy to digest. And whenever the doubt comes up about that, it’s because we’re still accustomed to thinking of a beginning, a starting point. OK.

So because of these differences, only some of us have developed – let’s just talk about bodhichitta – some of us have developed bodhichitta. But for this to happen it requires a large buildup of samsara-building positive force before that network of positive force, samsara-building positive force, is strong enough so that it ripens into us meeting a Buddha, and receiving teachings, and following them, and developing renunciation and bodhichitta for the first time. All right? And then the three zillion countless eons of more positive force.

Shantideva says it very nicely. He says even developing a positive thought not under the influence of a disturbing emotion is extremely rare. So Shantideva says:

(I.5) Just as a flash of lightning on a dark, cloudy night, for an instant, brightly illuminates all; so, in this world, through the might of the Buddhas, a positive attitude rarely and briefly appears.
(I.6) Thus, constructive (behavior) is constantly weak, while negative forces are extremely strong, and most unbearable. Except for a full bodhichitta aim, can anything else constructive outshine it?

It’s exactly what we’ve been talking about. There’s a lot behind Shantideva’s verses.
