
We’re speaking about affirmations and negations, and this is a very important topic. This topic touches another very important topic, which is the topic of words, and the meanings of words, and how do we actually, through words, mean something, feel something. This is crucial for meditation. It’s like, for instance, with the seven-part prayer that we do in the beginning. We could have the words correctly and just recite them. We could know the meanings of all the words and recite them with the meanings, but still not have very much of an effect. We need to apply that meaning and actually feel it, generate what we are talking about. And in order to generate it, we have to know what our minds need to focus on and how they need to take that object. Otherwise our recitation of the prayer, it doesn’t really have very much effect; it might have a little effect because we are saying sacred words, but it doesn’t have the same effect as when we know how to do it properly. Same thing with the praises to Manjushri that we also do. You can say the words; you can know what the words mean, but how to apply that? Well, there we are thinking of these qualities, Manjushri as a Buddha. These are the qualities. You think of how fantastic that is, what the causes are, how I want to achieve that, how I want to bring about the causes that will bring that, and I am inspired by the example of those who have done it. Then saying the prayer with that conviction has an effect.

So when meditating on voidness, which is a negation, it is very important not just to have the words, not just to know what the words mean. We have to also be convinced that the meaning is correct, that it actually corresponds to reality. Then we have to know how to actually apply the mind in focusing on it. And this topic of negations and affirmations is crucial for all of that.

There is one more point that I want to make as an introduction, which is to underline and to show how important negations are in the lam-rim, the graded stages of the path. Precious human life – what are we focusing on? We’re focusing that I do not have these worst states. It’s a negation. You have to know what those worst states are, where I would have no freedom to study the Dharma. Meditation on death – I am not going to live forever. I don’t know when the time of my death will come. All these other things that I might do, like making a lot of money, that’s not going to help at the time of death. All of those are negations. Think of the worst rebirths. I don’t want to have that; I don’t want to experience that. It’s a negation. Refuge has to do with I don’t want to experience these worst rebirths, and also has an affirmation that going this direction will help – there’s both. The discussion of karma: all these negative actions, they produce suffering. I don’t want to do them. I am going to restrain myself from acting in this way – a negation. Renunciation – I don’t want rebirth, uncontrollable rebirth. We reject it. It’s a negation. The whole discussion of ethical discipline – reject harmful behavior. Concentration – reject mental wandering, reject dullness. We want a state that does not have that. It’s a negation. The whole Mahayana discussion also has many negations. Equanimity – I don’t want to be attached to anybody, not angry with or repelled from anybody, not indifferent to anybody. It’s a negation. Not think that I have no connection with anybody. Everybody’s been my mother; we want them to not have suffering. It is clear in the giving and taking (tonglen) meditation, first you take away so that they don’t have suffering then you give them happiness. We want to not have self-cherishing. Don’t want to be unable to help others reach enlightenment. All of these. We don’t want just an arhat’s peaceful nirvana. And voidness? Definite negation – of true existence. So you can see that all of these are negations, and it is very important to know how the mind focuses on these. What is a negation? So that’s my introduction.
