Everlasting continuum

Redirected from Everlasting stream of continuity

A continuity of moments of a nonstatic phenomenon that has no beginning and no end. (1) The mental continuum (a) on the basis level, when unpurified; (b) on the pathway level, when partially purified and partially unpurified; and (c) on the resultant level, when fully purified. (2) The mental continuum (a) on the basis level, when with the Buddha-nature source; (b) on the pathway level, when with practice of an eternal Buddha-figure (yidam); and (c) on the resultant level, when enlightened.

Tibetan: རྒྱུད། rgyud

Sanskrit: tantra

Synonyms: Everlasting stream of continuity; Everlasting stream

Other languages

Italiano: Continuum eterno