Nirvana without residue

(1) According to the Hinayana tenet systems, the state of nirvana that shravaka or pratyekabuddha arhats, or a Buddha, attains immediately upon their death from the lifetime in which they attain nirvana with residue. No longer having a residue of tainted aggregates left, their mental continuum extinguishes, like a spent candle. (2) According to the Mahayana tenet systems other than Gelug Prasangika, the state that shravaka or pratyekabuddha arhats attain immediately upon their death from the lifetime in which they attain nirvana with residue. Although they no longer have a residue of tainted aggregates left, their mental continuums now go on in a purified form. (3) According to Gelug Prasangika, in reference to shravaka and pratyekabuddha arhats, their state during total absorption on voidness, when there is no appearance-making of truly established existence. In reference to Buddhas, their Deep Awareness Dharmakayas.

Tibetan: ལྷག་མེད་མྱ་ངན་འདས། lhag-med mya-ngan 'das

Sanskrit: nirupadhiśeṣanirvāṇa

Other languages

Deutsch: Nirvana ohne Überrest
Italiano: Nirvana senza residuo
Tiếng Việt: Niết bàn vô dư

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