Truly established existence

Redirected from True unimputed existence

(1) The existence of a phenomenon established by its ability to perform a function and, thus, produce an effect or result. Equivalent to existence established from something's own side. In the Vaibhashika tenet system, all validly knowable phenomena, both nonstatic and static. (2) In the Sautrantika system, according to the Gelug Jetsunpa textbook tradition, equivalent to existence established as an ultimate phenomenon (don-dam-par grub-pa) and thus including only nonstatic phenomena. According to the Gelug Panchen textbook tradition, existence established from something's own side and thus including both nonstatic and static phenomena as in the Vaibhashika system. (3) In the Chittamatra tenet system, equivalent to existence established as an ultimate phenomenon, defined as either existence established by individual defining characteristic marks or existence as a phenomenon that appears to an arya's total absorption. Thus it includes all dependent phenomena (nonstatic phenomena) and all thoroughly established phenomena (voidness, selflessness, and nirvana). (4) In the Gelug Svatantrika tenet system, existence established either exclusively by being something imputed by conceptual cognition or existence established by individual defining characteristic marks. A totally refuted mode of existence. (5) In the Gelug Prasangika system, existence established by any means other than exclusively by being something imputed by conceptual cognition. A totally refuted mode of existence.

Tibetan: བདེན་པར་གྲུབ་པ། བདེན་གྲུབ། bden-par grub-pa; bden-grub

Sanskrit: satyasiddha

Synonyms: True existence; True unimputed existence

Other languages

Deutsch: Wahrhaft begründete Existenz
Italiano: Esistenza veramente stabilita

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