Obstacles Preventing Positive Connections with Others


In our first session, we had a basic introduction to the topic. We saw that when we speak about refuge in Buddhism, we are not speaking about some passive act of turning to some higher power to protect us, but rather, we are taking certain measures to prevent our own sufferings and difficulties. We can describe this as putting a positive and safe direction in our life. That direction is to work on ourselves to overcome and avoid the various shortcomings and difficulties in our life. Working on ourselves is something that gives meaning to our life, and that’s because we are striving to bring more happiness to ourselves and others. Then, we looked at what it means to bring ourselves more happiness, and we saw that it doesn’t actually mean to have more fun, more entertainment or more pleasure, because whatever happiness we gain from that never lasts. It’s never enough. We always want more.

What would really be meaningful would be to have some sort of more basic, fundamental level of happiness. We’ve seen, just based on biology, that this more stable level of happiness comes from the emotional support that we gain from being connected and feeling connected to others – just from being a social animal, biologically. 

We examined that when we are closed and only concerned about ourselves, self-preoccupied, this cuts us off from others and we feel isolated and lonely. And this makes us unhappy – it makes everybody unhappy. I think we all know that. Almost everybody I think, at some point or another, sinks into this syndrome of: “Poor me, nobody loves me,” which is very unpleasant, isn’t it? Whereas when we are open to others, thinking about others, taking care of and helping them through small acts of kindness, it makes us feel much more stable, supported and happy – not dramatically happy, but a very calm, supportive type of happiness. In English, we differentiate between being warm-hearted and cold-hearted. Warm-hearted is a loving, open person – basically, a happy person. Cold-hearted is very cool, closed – nobody wants to be with such a person. 
