Tibetan-English Glossary of Astrology Terms

The following list of suggested English equivalents for Tibetan astrology and astronomy technical terms is arranged according to English alphabetical order. It was compiled according to the explanations of Gen Lodro Gyatso, with the help of Tsedrub Negi and Phunrab Tencho, all of the Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute, Dharamsala, India.

Tibetan English
‘bras-bu bdag-po ruler who wishes to know the divined result
‘brid-pa subtract
‘brug dragon (#2 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
‘bul-ba add
‘bum hundred thousands place (in a number)
‘byor-pa enrichments (= the number 10)
‘byung-’gros origin (or steady) gait (of a planet, neither fast nor slow)
‘byung-ba elements (= the number 5)
‘byung-ba bzhi four elements (= earth, water, fire, and wind, in the Kalachakra system)
‘byung-ba lnga five elements (= earth, water, fire, metal, wood, in the Chinese system)
‘byung-rtsis element calculations
‘chi-ba’i sbyor death conjunction (#10 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of fire and water, when the count is begun with 1)
‘chi-bslu’i lo death-cheating years
‘das-khyim fully passed (previous) sign of the zodiac
‘das-lo fully passed years (since the start of a 60-year cycle)
‘das-zhag fully passed (previous) day
‘das-zla fully passed months (since the start of a year)
‘dod-cha thirteen-part parts unit-place (the base-13 smallest unit-place, called “parts,” calculated for the value of lunar dates, lunar weekdays, and the sun’s position in the precis system of calculations)
‘dod-pa types of beings on the plane of sensory desires (= types of Desire Realm beings = the number 13)
‘dod-yon sense objects (= the number 5)
‘du-byed affecting impulses (#2 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
‘dzin-byed grangs place-holding number
‘dzin-pa holding (#7 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
‘gros-bzhi four types of gaits (or motion of planets: fast, slow, origin or steady, and turn-bending or zigzag)
‘jig-rten worlds (= the number 3)
‘jug-pa avatars (of Vishnu) (= the number 10)
‘khon-’dzin holding a grudge (#26 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
‘khor-lo round of figures (by which one divides all the unit-places of a number to even them out)
‘khor-lo circle (of the zodiac) (= the number 27)
‘khor-los ‘phul divide by a round (of figures) (= even out the unit-places) (= ‘ khor-los bsgril-ba)
‘khor-los bsgril-ba divide by round (of figures) (= even out the unit-places) (= ‘khor-los ‘phul)
‘khor-phyed half-circle (shaped box)
‘khor-phyed half a zodiac (of 27 lunar constellations)
‘khor-phyed opposition (of two planets)
‘khrig coitus (= the number 2)
‘khrig-pa Gemini (Skt. mithuna) (#3 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
‘khro-ba furious deities (= the number 10)
‘khyog-’gros turn-bending (or lateral or zigzag) gait (of a planet)
‘od-dkar white light (= moon = the number 1)
‘phel-’gyur increase (#3 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of fire and fire, when the count is begun with 1)
‘phel-ba increase (#10 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
‘pho-byed bdun seven shifting (cyclical) action periods
‘phral-ba subtract
‘phri-pa subtract
‘phrod-pa nyer-brgyad twenty-eight greater matchings (of a lunar weekday and lunar constellation, without reference to their associated elements)
‘phrod-sbyor bcu ten lesser matchings (of the associated elements of a lunar weekday and lunar constellation)
‘phrog-byed Haris (= Shivas = the number 11)
‘phrog-pa subtract
babs-sme progressed magic-square number
babs-spar progressed trigram
bag-rtsis marriage calculations
bai-dkar nyi-ldog solstice points according to White Beryl
bai-dkar White Beryl
bar-gza’ intermediate (correlations of the) planets
bcad-pa divide
bcu tens place (in a number)
bcu-gnyis cha’i dus-sbyor twelve-choice divination (used mainly for investigating about business, sickness, or some needed purpose)
bdag-po’i gza’ ruling planet (= zhing-bdag gza’)
bde-’byung Shambus (= Shivas = the number 11)
bde-byed Shankaras (= Shivas = the number 11)
bdud maras (= demonic forces = the number 4)
bdud-rtsi nectar (#2 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of water and water, when the count is begun with 1)
bdud-skar demonic constellation
bdun-dmar seven-red (#7 of the 9 magic-square numbers)
bdun-zur seventh corner (ahead from the natal animal; its opposite animal)
bgo-ba divide
bgo-gzhi rags-pa rough base of division
bgod-pa divide
bgrod-pa declinations (= the number 2)
bgrod-pa gnyis two declination periods (of the sun, north and south)
bgya hundreds place (in a number)
bishti residing without joy (#7 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
bkong-bya sprel late afternoon monkey-period (#6 of the 12 periods of a day, 15:00 – 17:00) (= nyi-myur sprel)
bkra-shis auspicious symbols (= the number 8)
bkra-shis Mars (Skt. mangala) (indicated by the number 3 in a horoscope chart) (= mig-dmar)
bkra-shis auspicious (#8 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
bla life-spirit
bla-gza’ life-spirit weekday
bla-ma Jupiter (Skt. brhaspati) (indicated by the number 5 in a horoscope chart) (= phur-bu)
bla-rdel life-spirit pebble-element
bla-skar life-spirit constellation
bod-zla Tibetan month (= hor-zla, Mongolian month)
bra-nya Muscae (Skt: bharani) (#1 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
brgyad-dkar eight-white (#8 of the 9 magic-square numbers)
bro-ba flavors (= the number 6)
brtan-pa fixed periods (= fixed signs of the zodiac)
bsdus-rgyud Abridged Kalachakra Tantra (Skt. Laghu Kalachakra Tantra)
bse-ru rhinoceros (= the number 1)
bsgres-pa multiply
bsgril-ba divide
bsgrub-bya what is to be accomplished (#21 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
bsgyur multiply
bsnan-pa add
bsnon-pa add
bsnun-pa multiply
bsre add
bsubs-pa erase
btson box (literally, prison)
btub-skar harm constellation
bu-ga orifices (= the number 9)
bu-lon ‘gyur subtract
bu-lon-du spyod-pa travel behind (its mean position)
bu-mo Virgo (Skt. kanya) (#5 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
bum-pa Aquarius (Skt. kumbha) (#10 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
bya bird (#7 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
bya-ra-ba indicator
byang-bgrod northern declination period
byang-bgrod drug six zodiac-signs of (the sun’s) northern declination period (= Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus)
bye-ba ten millions place (in a number)
byed-pa action period (one of the 5 inclusive calendar features)
byed-pa bcu-gcig eleven action periods (a complex system for dividing 30 lunar dates)
byed-pa lo-’pho shift to the new year according to the precis system
byed-pa lo-bdag lord of the new year according to the precis system
byed-rtsis precis (Skt. karana) system of astro calculations (for the 5 inclusive calendar features)
byed-sla’i khyim zodiac-sign position for ease of use  
byi rat (#10 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
byi-bzhin Vega (Skt. abhijit) (the second half of #21 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
byin-pa add
byis-pa childhood (#2 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
byis-pa infancy (date #1 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= dga’)
bzang excellence (date #2 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= gzhon-nu)
bzang-po medicinal ingredients (= the number 6)
bzang-po excellent (#4 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
bzang-po bcu-’dzoms concurrence of ten excellent factors
bzhi-cha one-fourth
bzhi-gshed fourth-place slaughterer (animal-sign) (the animal-sign four places ahead of or behind the natal animal and thus squaring it)
bzhi-ljang four-green (#4 of the 9 magic-square numbers)
cha-‘og lower (= smaller) parts unit-place number (= the sixth place when six unit-places are calculated) (= cha-shas drug-pa)
cha-gong higher (= larger) parts unit-place number (= the fifth place when six unit-places are calculated)
cha-shas parts (the smallest unit-place calculated for lunar dates, lunar weekdays, and sun and planetary positions)
cha-shas parts (= the number 16)
cha-shas drug-pa parts that constitute the sixth (smallest unit-place in a calculation) (= cha-‘og)
cha-shas shed-snyoms equalize the units in the parts unit-place (for the lunar weekday and the position of the sun)
chad omitted lunar date
chad-lhag med without any extra added or omitted lunar dates
chu water (one of the 4 elements in the Kalachakra list and one of the 5 elements in the Chinese list)
chu-’dzag split-water dates
chu-so rivers (= the number 4)
chu-gter treasuries of water (= oceans = the number 4)
chu-smad Lower Sagittarius (Skt. uttarashadha) (#20 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
chu-srang minutes (= chu-tshan)
chu-srin Capricorn (Skt. makara) (#9 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
chu-stod Mid-Sagittarius (Skt. purvashadha) (#19 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of water)
chu-stod-kyi zla-ba Mid-Sagittarius (Kalachakra month #4 = Tibetan month #6)
chu-tig sngon-po Blue Water-Essence (the name of a comet, one of the 4 bad omen planets)
chu-tshan minutes (= chu-sran)
chu-tshod hours
dal-’gros brake-point (or slow) gait (of a planet)
dal-bar mean position for the brake-point correction
dal-dag position corrected for brake-point
dal-rkang brake-point quadrant-motion constant
dbang power; capacity
dbang-phyug Ishvaras (powerful ones = Shivas = the number 11)
dbang-po sensors (= the number 5)
dbang-po powerful (#25 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
dbang-rdel power (or capacity) pebble-element
dbang-skar ruling constellation
dbang-sme ruling magic-square number
dbang-thang empowering element
dbang-thang tshang-’bras full effect of the empowering element
dben-pa subtract
dbo Denebola (Skt. uttaraphalguni) (#11 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun at 0, associated with the element of wind)
dbo’i zla-ba Denebola (Kalachakra month #12 = Tibetan month #2)
dbugs breaths (= skad-cig, seconds)
dbugs-thob “breath-catching” nadir-point
dbyangs vowels (of the Sanskrit alphabet)
dbyangs-’char arising from the vowels
dbyangs-’char Arising from the Vowels (Skt. Svarodaya Tantra)
dbyar-’bring rta summer middle build-up horse month (= Tibetan month #5 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dbyar-ka summer
dbyar nyi-ldog summer solstice
dbyar-ra sbrul summer prelude build-up snake month (= Tibetan month #4 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dbyar-tha lug summer finale build-up sheep month (= Tibetan month #6 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dbyi-ba erase
dbyig riches (= the number 8)
dbyu-gu hours
dbyug degrees
de-nyid factors of reality (= the number 25)
dga’ joy (date #1 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= byis-pa)
dga’-ba joy (#13 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
dge-ba constructive (#22 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
dgu-cha’i dus-sbyor nine-choice divination (used mainly for investigating about thefts and lost items)
dgu-dmar nine-red (#9 of the 9 magic-square numbers) (= dgu smug)
dgu-mig nine-based misfortune spots
dgu-smug nine-maroon (#9 of the 9 magic-square numbers) (= dgu dmar)
dgun nyi-ldog winter solstice
dgun-’bring byi winter middle build-up rat month (= Tibetan month #11 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dgun-ka winter
dgun-ka phag winter prelude build-up pig month (= Tibetan month #10 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dgun-tha glang winter finale build-up bull month (= Tibetan month #12 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dkar-po Venus  (indicated by the number 6 in a horoscope chart) (= pa-sangs = khu-ba)
dkar-po white (#23 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
dkar-rtsis white (Indian-derived) astro calculations
dkyil-’khor orbit length (of a planet)
dman-pa subtract; minus
dngos-grub actual attainments (#1 of 10 lesser matchings, the matching of earth and earth, when the count is begun with 1)
dngos-grub actual attainments (#15 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
dogs-pa’i ‘bras wavering result (maybe yes, maybe no)
don-brtag investigate if one’s purposes will work out
don-gyi khyim-’pho actual zodiac-sign position shifted to “x”
dor will subtract
dor-ba erase
dor-ba divide
dor-ba subtract
dor-ba’i lhag remainder from the division
dor-lhag remainder from subtraction
dor rim-min if it subtracts, then (use) the reverse-order (figures on the right side of the table)
dpyid-’bring yos spring middle build-up hare month (= Tibetan month #2 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dpyid-dbugs spring nadir-point
dpyid-ka spring
dpyid-ka’i nyi-mtshan mnyam-pa vernal (or spring) equinox
dpyid-ra stag spring prelude build-up tiger month (= Tibetan month #1 in the Kalachakra season month system)
dpyid-tha brug spring finale build-up dragon month (= Tibetan month #3 in the Kalachakra season month system)
drag-gsum three forceful (outer) planets (= Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn)
drag-gsum dal-bar mean brake-point position for the three forceful planets
drag-pa forceful
drag-po Rudras (fierce aspects of Shiva = the number 11)
drang-srong sages (rishis = the number 7)
dri-med ‘od Stainless Light (Commentary to “The Abbreviated Kalachakra Tantra”) (Skt. Vimalaprabha)
drug-cu’i lor-brten ‘bras effect of the natal basis on the 60-year cycle
drug-dkar six-white (#6 of the 9 magic-square numbers)
du-ba Smoky (name of a comet) (indicated by the number 7 in a horoscope chart) (= du-ba mjug-ring = mjug-ring)
du-ba mjug-ring(s) Smoky Long Tail (name of a comet, one of the 4 bad omen planets) (= du-ba)
dug-phag poisonous pig days (= phag-zhag)
dum-lnga’i dus-sbyor fivefold types of divination (all calculated based on using the same “root for divination,” spyi-dhru)
dung-phyur hundred millionths place (in a number)
dur-mig cemetery misfortune spots
dus seasons (= the number 6)
dus-me south node; Kalagni (indicated by the number 9 in a horoscope chart) (= mjug-skar)
dus-sbyor house; astrological house
dus-sbyor astrological period divination; prognostication
dus-sbyor periods of a day (= 5 astrological hours = 2 clock-hours) (= dus-tshan)
dus-sbyor dpe system of astrological divination
dus-sbyor gsum-cha three-choice divination (used mainly to investigate if one’s aims will be fulfilled)
dus-sbyor phyed-pa divination dividing (the choices into two, used mainly to check the sex of an unborn child)
dus-tshan periods of a day (= 5 astrological hours = 2 clock-hours) (= dus-sbyor)
dus-tshan bcu-gnyis twelve (2 clock-hour) periods of a day
dva-lcags tui-iron (Chinese: tui, lake, the joyful) (#3 of the 8 trigrams)
g.yag-mgo rlung-’tshub Yak-head Rough Wind (the name of a comet, one of the 4 bad omen planets)
g.yo-ba moving or action periods (= cardinal signs of the zodiac)
g.yul-rgyal Victory in Battles (Skt. Yuddhajaya Tantra)
gcig units place (in a number)
gcig-dkar one-white (#1 of the 9 magic-square numbers)
gdab-pa planting (#1 of 11 action periods, when the count is begin with 1)
gdengs-can hooded ones (= cobras = the number 8)
gdong-skar dragon’s head planet (= north node; Rahu) (indicated by the number 8 in a horoscope chart) (= sgra-gcan)
gdugs-dkar white umbrella chart
gdugs-rim stages of a parasol (-shaped top of a stupa) (= the number 13)
ge-sar ‘khrul-chen great devices of Gesar (= the 64 hexagrams of The Book of Changes, Chin. Yijing, Wade-Giles Chin. I Ching)
gin-ri gen-mountain (Chinese: gen, mountain, keeping still) (#6 of the 8 trigrams)
glang Taurus (Skt. vrsha) (#1 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
glang ox (# 11 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
gling continents (= the number 7)
gnam-lo present year
gnam-lo’i sme-ba transit magic-square number of the present year
gnas-lnga five unit-places (five levels of subdivision for specifying a position, such as sign of the zodiac, degrees, minutes, seconds, and parts)
gnas-mal bcu-gynis chart (of planetary positions) in 12 houses
gnas-mal bcu-gnyis ‘bras effect of the natal twelve-house chart
gnyis-nag two-black (#2 of the 9 magic-square numbers)
gnyis-skyes twice-grown (= teeth = the number 32)
go-la orbit
gre Zosma (Skt. purva phalguni) (#10 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
gro-bzhin Altair (Skt. shravana) (#21 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
gro-bzhin-gyi zla-ba Altair (Kalachakra month # 5 = Tibetan month #7)
grub-pa accomplishing (# 20 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
grub-rtsis full tenet (Skt. siddhanta) system of astro calculations (for both the 5 planets and 5 inclusive calendar features)
gsal-ba divide
gsal-byed consonants (of the Sanskrit alphabet)
gsal-zhag clear day (count in a 60-year cycle)
gser-rtsis yellow calculations
gshed-gza’ deadly weekday
gshed-skar deadly constellation
gsil-ba multiply
gsum-cha one-third
gsum-mthing three-indigo (#3 of the 9 magic-square numbers)
gter treasures (= the number 9)
gza’ planet; heavenly body
gza’ day of the week
gza’ lunar weekday (Skt. tithi) (one of the 5 inclusive calendar features)
gza’-’grems planetary chart (drawn with 12 houses)
gza’-bar mean lunar weekday
gza’-bcu ten planets; ten heavenly bodies (= sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, North Node, South Node, Comet)
gza’-bcus rgyu-lam ecliptic
gza’-bcus rgyu-lam khyim zodiac
gza’-dag corrected lunar weekday
gza’-dhru lunar weekday’s (monthly) root
gza’-gnas unit-place lines for the lunar weekday
gza’-lnga five planets (= Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn)
gza’-lnga lnga-bsdus five planets and five inclusive calendar features (the main features in the white Indian-derived calculations)
gza’-lnga spyi-yi nyin-zhag general solar day count (in a 60-year cycle) for the five planets
gza’ mig-dmar Tuesday (#3 of the 7 days of the week, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
gza’ nyi-ma Sunday (#1 of the 7 days of the week, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
gza’ pa-sangs Friday (#6 of the 7 days of the week, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
gza’ phur-bu Thursday (#5 of the 7 days of the week, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of wind)
gza’ phyed-dag-pa half-corrected lunar weekday
gza’ phyir-ldog retrograde planet (= Rahu and Kalagni, the north and south node planets)
gza’-rtag lunar weekday’s daily passage of time constant
gza’ spen-pa Saturday (#0 of the 7 days of the week, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
gza’-yi dhru-wa rnam-par dag lunar weekday’s corrected (monthly) root
gza’ zla-ba Monday (#2 of the 7 days of the week, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of water)
gza’i ‘dod-cha lunar weekday’s thirteen-part parts unit-place (in the precis system of astro calculations)
gza’i lnga-cha lunar weekday’s fifth or parts unit-place (divided into 707 parts in the full tenet system of astro calculations)
gzhi-rtsis basic yearly progression calculations
gzhin-rje Yama (lord of death = Sanskrit pun for twins = the number 2)
gzhon-nu childhood (date # 2 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= bzang)
gzhu Sagittarius (Skt. dhanu) (#8 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
gzugs form (= the number 1)
hor-zla Mongolian month (= bod-zla, Tibetan month)
hor-zla bdun-pa phyi-ma later Mongolian seventh month
ka-rka-ta Cancer (Skt. karkkata) (#3 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
keg-rtsis obstacle calculation
keg-skar obstacle constellation
kham-chu kan-water (Chinese: kan, water, the abysmal) (#5 of the 8 trigrams)
khams natal element
khams cognitive sources (= the number 18)
khan-pa add
khon-sa kun-earth (Chinese: kun, earth, the receptive) (#2 of the 8 trigrams)
khri ten thousands place (in a number)
khrums-smad Andromeda (Skt: uttara bhadrapada) (#25 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
khrums-stod Pegasus (Skt: purva bhadrapada) (#24 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
khrums-stod-kyi zla-ba Pegasus (Kalachakra month # 6 = Tibetan month #8)
khu-ba Venus (indicated by the number 6 in a horoscope chart) (= pa-sangs = dkar-po)
khyen-gnam qian-sky (Chinese: qian, heaven, the creative) (#4 of the 8 trigrams)
khyi dog (#8 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
khyim signs of the zodiac (= the number 12)
khyim sign of the zodiac; zodiac-sign
khyim-bdag zodiac-sign-lord (Krishna, etc.)
khyim-can what has zodiac-sign (locations) (= planets)
khyim-gyi ‘bras-bu effect of the natal zodiac-sign
khyim-skyes giving birth to a family (#5 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
khyim-sleb “zodiac-sign reaching” cusp point (ingress)
khyim-sleb tshes-grangs date for reaching the cusp of a sign of the zodiac
khyim so-so’i srang-tshad amount of minutes for each sign of the zodiac (the daily period of each sign of the zodiac)
khyim-zhag zodiac day; sidereal day
klu naga (#10 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
klu nagas (= the number 8)
klung fortune
klung-rdel fortune pebble-element
klung-rta horse of fortune element
klung-rta’I ‘bras-bu effect of the natal horse of fortune element
kun-’joms complete defeat (#12 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
lag Betelguese (Skt. ardra) (#5 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of water)
lag hands (= the number 2)
lag-’khor chu-tshod wristwatch-hour; clock-hour
lang-tsho youth (#5 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of earth and water, when the count is begun with 1)
lang-tsho youth (date # 3 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= rgyal)
las-bzang good works (#6 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
lcags iron, metal (one of the 5 elements in the Chinese list)
ldan-pa add
legs-ldan gza’-dgu’i ‘bras effect of the natal excellent nine planets 
len-pa obtainer attitude (#9 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
lha gods (divine beings = the number 8)
lha-mo ‘char-ba Rising Goddess (the name of a comet)
lha-mtshams Upper Scorpio (Skt. anuradha) (#16 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
lhag doubled lunar date
lhag Mercury; Wednesday (= lhag-pa = zla-bu)
lhag-ma remainder
lhag-pa Mercury (indicated by the number 4 in a horoscope chart) (= lhag = zla-bu)
lhag-pa Wednesday (= gza’ lhag-pa)
lho-bgrod southern declination period
lho-bgrod drug six zodiac-signs of (the sun’s) southern declination period (= Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio)
lis-me li-fire (Chinese: li, fire, the clinging) (#1 of the 8 trigrams)
lnga-bsdus five inclusive calendar features (= lunar weekday, lunar date, lunar constellation, combination period, and action period)
lnga-cha parts that constitute the fifth (smallest unit-place in a calculation)
lnga-ser five-yellow (# 5 of the nine magic-square numbers)
lo calendar-years during which one has been alive
lo-’gros bcu-gnyis twelve-year gait (of the animal cycle) (= lo-‘khor bcu-gnyis)
lo-’khor bcu-gnyis twelve-year animal cycle
lo-’pho shift to the new year
lo-gsar Tibetan new year
lo-gsum phyogs-gsum three years and three phases of the moon
lo-kag obstacle year
lo-nag black (difficult) year
lo-rgan drug-cu sixty-year animal-element cycle
lo-rta animal-sign of a year
lo-rtags natal animal-sign
lo-tho yearly almanac
lo’i dgu-mig nine-based misfortune spot from the year of age
lo’i dur-mig cemetery misfortune spot from the year
log-men progressed combination (of animal and element)
longs divisible
longs-dag corrected constant
ltas-ngan gza’-bzhi four bad omen planets (= 4 comets: Smokey Long Tail in the east, Tiger-head Blazing Fire in the south, Yak-head Rough Wind in the west, and Blue Water-Drop in the north)
lto-’gro belly-crawlers (= snakes = the number 8)
lug Aries (Skt. mesha) (#0 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
lug sheep (#5 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
lug-zhib exact moment the sun enters Aries
lugs-’byung evolving order; evolving sequence (in which the sequence of numbers starts from the top with 1) (= rim-pa)
lugs-bzlog reverse order; reverse sequence (in which the sequence of numbers starts from the bottom with 1) (= lugs-ldog = rim-min)
lugs-ldog reverse order; reverse sequence (in which the sequence of numbers starts from the bottom with 1) (= lugs-bzlog = rim-min)
lus body
lus-med unembodied ones (= the number 13)
lus-rdel body pebble-element
lus-sme body magic-square number
ma-’dangs won’t subtract
ma-bsre spyi-zhag general day count (for a month) with unadded (dates)
ma-bu dgra-grogs mother, child, enemy, or friend (relationship of elements)
ma-dor won’t subtract
ma-dor rim-pa if it won’t subtract, then (use) the in-order (figures on the left side of the table)
ma-longs less than (and not including) “x”
ma-nu manus (progenitor kings = the number 14)
ma-rig-pa unawareness (#1 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
ma-stongs non-zero
ma-zin (next number) not contained (in the quadrant of a table)
man-chad going down from (and including) “x”
mar-gyi bzhi-gshed clockwise fourth-place slaughterer (animal-sign) (the animal-sign four places ahead of and thus squaring the natal animal)
mar-ngo waning phase
mar-ngo’i tshe dates of the waning moon
mchog-ldan having the supreme (#17 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
mchu Regulus (Skt. macha) (#9 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
mchu’i zla-ba Regulus (Kalachakra month #11 = Tibetan month #1)
mda’ arrows (of Kama) (= the number 5)
mda’-ro’i lhag-ma remainder from the division by 65
mdos web-like construction
mdun-’char emerge (appearing) ahead of the sun (at dawn) (descriptive of a “morning star”)
mdza’-bo friend (#1 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
me fires (= the number 3)
me fire (one of the 4 elements in the Kalachakra list and one of the 5 elements in the Chinese list)
me-bzhi Corvi (Skt. hasta) (#12 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of wind)
me mkha’ rgya-mtsho fire-space-ocean (= 403) years
mer-rgan gser-rtsis yellow astro calculations of Mergan Kachupa
mgo Orion (Skt. mrgashiras) (#4 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of wind)
mgo’i zla-ba Orion (Kalachakra month #9 = Tibetan month #11)
mgyogs-’gros speed-point (or fast) gait (of a planet)
mi-’phrod unsuitable (#7 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of earth and wind, when the count is begun with 1)
mi-bdag rulers of men (= the number 16)
mi-mnyam not even; odd
mi-mnyam rim-min if it is odd, then (use) the reverse-order (figures on the right side of the table)
mi-mthun disharmonious (#8 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of water and wind, when the count is begun with 1)
mi-sdug-pa unpretty (#11 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
mig eyes (= the number 2)
mig Mars; Tuesday
mig-dmar Mars (indicated by the number 3 in a horoscope chart) (= bkra-shis)
mig-dmar Tuesday (= gza’ mig-dmar)
ming-gzugs nameable mental faculties with or without form (#4 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
mjug-ring(s) Comet (indicated by the number 7 in a horoscope chart) (= du-ba = du-ba mjug-ring)
mjug-ring(s) Ketu (= south node in the Hindu system)
mjug-skar dragon’s tail (planet) (= south node, Kalagni) (indicated by the number 9 in a horoscope chart) (= dus-me)
mnyam even
mnyam-pa conjunct; conjunction (of two planets)
mnyam-pa gnyis periods with an equality of the two (= mutable signs of the zodiac)
mnyam rim-pa if it is even, then (use) the in-order (figures on the left side of the table)
mo female (year)
mo-zla female (even numbered) months
mon-gre Delphinis (Skt. dhanishtha) (#16 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of water)
mon-gru Mid-Aquarius (Skt. shatabhisha) (#23 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
mtshams intermediate (directions) (= the number 6)
mtshams-tshad length of the night
mtshe-ma twins (= the number 2)
mtshur-lugs Tshur-phu tradition (of astro calculations)
mun-pa darkness (referring to obscurity, heaviness, a neutral feeling) (Skt. tamas) (one of the 3 universal constituents in the Samkhya system)
myos-byed intoxicators (= the number 13)
myur-dag position corrected for speed-point
myur-rkang speed-point quadrant-motion constant
myur-rtsis fast calculation method
nabs-so Pollux (Skt. punarvasu) (#6 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of wind)
nad-rtsis illness calculation
nag-pa Spica (Skt. citra) (#13 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of wind)
nag-pa’i zla-ba Spica (Kalachakra month #1 = Tibetan month #3)
nag-rtsis black (Chinese-derived) astro calculations
nam-gang new moon (= 30 th of the lunar month) (= nam-stong = stong)
nam-gru Lower Pisces (Skt. revati) (#26 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of water)
nam-langs dawn
nam-langs yos dawn hare-period (#1 of the 12 periods of a day, 5:00 – 7:00)
nam-mkha space (= the number 0)
nam-mkha’ space-harmonizing web
nam-phyed byi midnight rat-period (#10 of the 12 periods of a day, 23:00 - 1:00)
nam-stong new moon (30 th of the lunar month) (= nam-gang = stong)
nang-bral matching
nang-gza’ internal correlations of the planets
ngan-pa dgu-’dzoms concurrence of nine bad factors (omens)
nges-pa certainty (#11 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
ngo-thog zhag current (zodiac) day
nor answer; quotient
nor wealths (= the number 8)
nor-du ‘gyur add
nor-du spyod-pa travel ahead (of its mean position)
nor-lha gods of wealth (= the number 8)
nub setting (date # 5 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= shi = rdzogs)
nya Pisces (Skt. mina) (#11 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
nya black (difficult) day (= nyi = nyi-nag)
nya’i sgra-gcan north node positions at full moon
nya-gang full moon (15 th of the lunar month)
nyer-spyod sense offerings (= the number 5)
nyes-skyon faults (= the number 18)
nyi black (difficult) day (= nyi-nag= nya)
nyi sun; Sunday (= nyi-ma)
nyi-’dzin solar eclipse
nyi-bar sun’s mean position
nyi-bu Saturn (indicated by the number 0 in a horoscope chart) (= spen-pa)
nyi-dag sun’s corrected position
nyi-dhru sun’s (monthly) root position
nyi-dros sbrul morning snake-period (#3 of the 12 periods of a day, 9:00 – 11:00)
nyi-ldog solstice
nyi-ma sun (indicated by the number 1 in a horoscope chart)
nyi-ma Sunday (= gza’ nyi-ma)
nyi-ma sun’s (periods in a day) (= the number 12)
nyi-ma’i ‘dod-cha sun’s thirteen-part parts unit-place (in the precis system of astro calculations)
nyi-ma’i lnga-cha sun’s fifth or parts unit-place (divided into 67 parts in the full tenet system of astro calculations)
nyi-mar thim disappear into the sun
nyi-mtsham mnyam pa equinox
nyi-myur sprel late afternoon monkey-period (#6 of the 12 periods of a day, 15:00 – 17:00) (= bkong-bya sprel)
nyi-nag black (difficult) day (= nyi = nya)
nyi-nub bya sunset bird-period (#7 of the 12 periods of a day,  17:00 – 19:00)
nyi-rkang sun’s quadrant-motion constant
nyi-rkang dag-pa sun’s corrected quadrant-motion constant
nyi-rkang re’u-mig table of sun’s quadrant-motion constants
nyi-rtag sun’s daily motion constant
nyi-shar ‘brug sunrise dragon-period (#2 of the 12 periods of a day, 7:00 - 9:00)
nyi-zla mnyam-pa conjunction of the sun and the moon
nyin-phyed rta noon horse-period (#4 of the 12 periods of a day, 11:00 – 13:00)
nyin-res dus-tshod bcu-gnyis twelve (2 clock-hour) time periods in each day
nyin-tshad length of day
nyin-zhag solar day
nyin-zhag nyi-bar sun’s mean position in solar days
nyin-zhag nyi-dhru sun’s root position in solar days
pa-sangs Venus (indicated by the number 6 in a horoscope chart) (= dkar-po = khu-ba)
pa-sangs Friday (= gza’ pa-sangs)
phab subtract one
phag pig (#9 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
phag-zhag pig days
phen-tshun chen-po great mutualities chart
pho male (year)
pho-zla male (odd numbered) months
phud-pa divide
phug-lugs Phug-pa tradition (of astro calculations)
phul-ba add
phun-tshogs splendor (#4 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of wind and wind, when the count is begun with 1)
phung-po aggregates (= the number 5)
phur Jupiter; Thursday (= phur-bu = bla-ma)
phur-bu Jupiter (indicated by the number 5 in a horoscope chart) (= bla-ma = phur)
phur-bu Thursday (= gza’ phur-bu)
phye-ba divide
phyed-bcas gnyis half with two (= two and a half)
phyed-dang gnyis half from two (= one and a half)
phyed-yol glang after midnight ox-period (#11 of the 12 periods of a day, 1:00 – 3:00)
phyed-yol lug early afternoon sheep-period (#5 of the 12 periods of a day, 13:00 – 15:00)
phyi-cha later half (of a date) (= nighttime)
phyi-dhru next (month’s) root figures
phyi-dro ma-’ongs if it is the afternoon, the time yet to come (until sunset)
phyi-gza’ external (correlations of the ) planets
phyi-pa erase
phyi-rkang later (accelerating) quarter (or quadrant)
phyogs moon-phase (new to full, or full to new moon)
phyogs directions (= the number 10)
ra-’bring-tha prelude, middle, and finale (build-up month of a season)
ra-ba bzhi four rough (animal-signs)
rab-’byung “prominent” sixty-year cycle (in the Kalachakra calendar system)
rang-’gros natural-gait (of a planet) (= rlung-‘gros)
rang-bzhin nature (= the number 1)
rdel pebble-element (calculations)
rdel-khra variegated pebble
rdo-rje diamond-strong thunderbolt (#14 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)         
rdul speck (referring to activity, motion, pain) (Skt. rajas) (one of the 3 universal constituents in the Samkhya system)
rdzogs finished (date # 5 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= shi = nub)
re-’bras one’s hopes will bear fruit
re’u-mig table
reg-pa contacting awareness (#6 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
res-’grogs zla-skar moon’s successive associated constellation (for each weekday)
res-gza’ weekdays (= the number 7)
res-gza’i ‘bras-bu effect of the natal weekday
rga-shi aging and dying (#12 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
rgan old age (date # 4 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= stong)
rgya-mtsho oceans (= the number 4)
rgya-mtsho rnam-gsum three astro masters named “Gyatsho” (= mKhas-grub Nor-bzang rgya-mtsho, Phug-pa Lhun-grub rgya-mtsho, gTsang-chung Chos-grags rgya-mtsho)
rgya-rtsis Chinese-style calculations
rgya-rtsis ‘byung-khams Chinese-style element of a date
rgya-rtsis nyi-ma Chinese-style animal of a date
rgya-rtsis sme-ba Chinese-style magic-square number of date
rgya-rtsis spar-kha Chinese-style trigram of a date
rgya-zla Chinese-style month
rgya’i dbugs Chinese-style nadir-point
rgya’i sgang Chinese-style zenith-point
rgyal Mid-Cancer (Skt. pushya) (#7 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
rgyal triumphant (date # 3 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= lang-tsho)
rgyal-ba triumphant ones (= the number 24)
rgyal-gyi zla-ba Mid-Cancer (Kalachakra month #10 = Tibetan month #12)
rgyal-po kings (= the number 16)
rgyan-pa add
rgyu-skar constellations of the zodiac (27 or 28)
ri mountains (= the number 7)
ri-bong-can what has a rabbit (= moon = the number 1)
ri-shi sage days
rig-byed Vedas (= the number 4)
rigs-can gaining the family traits (#3 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
rigs-ldan holder of the castes (of Shambhala)
ril-bu whole number (of the monthly root position within a lunation cycle)
ril-cha whole number and parts (indicating the monthly root position within a lunation cycle)
rim-min in reverse order (with the sequence of numbers starting from the bottom with 1) (= lugs-bzlog = lugs-ldog)
rim-min phyi-rkang later (= having higher numerical values) quadrant (of a table, on the right side where the sequence of numbers is) in reverse order (starting from the bottom with 1)
rim-min snga-rkang earlier (= having lower numerical values) quadrant (of a table, on the right side where the sequence of numbers is) in reverse order (starting from the bottom with 1)
rim-pa in order (with the sequence of numbers starting from the top with 1) (= lugs-‘byung)
rim-pa’i phyi-rkang later (= having higher numerical values) quadrant (of a table, on the left side where the sequence of numbers is) in order (starting from the top with 1)
rim-pa’i snga-rkang earlier (= having lower numerical values) quadrant (of a table, on the left side where the sequence of numbers is) in order (starting from the top with 1)
rin-chen precious things (of a cosmic emperor) (= the number 7)
rkang quadrant (of a table); quadrant-motion constant
rkang-’dzin place-holder (in a table) of quadrant-motion constants (= rkang-longs = rkang-pa)
rkang-’dzin bar-ba mean position for a quadrant place-holder
rkang-brgyad ‘khor-lo eight-line chart (for initial letters of names, as found in dictionaries, used in prognostication)
rkang-bzhi four supports (#9 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
rkang-bzung (place-holder) that is contained in the (table of) quadrant-motion constants
rkang-bzung gdong-ma (place-holder) that is contained ahead (= next) in a quadrant (of a table) (= rkang-bzung sngon-ma)
rkang-bzung sngon-ma (place-holder) that is contained lower (= next) in a quadrant (of a table) (= rkang-bzung gdong-ma)
rkang-gcig one-quarter
rkang-gsum three-quarters
rkang-longs quadrant-motion constant
rkang-pa quadrant-motion figure (= rkang-‘dzin = rkang-longs)
rkang-rtsis pith calculations
rkang-sdom summation number for the quadrant-motion constant
rlung wind (one of the 4 elements in the Kalachakra list)
rlung-’gros wind-gait (of a planet) (a planet’s gait due to its natural wind-energy) (= rang-‘gros)
rlung-rta horse of fortune
rlung-rta sme-ba horse of fortune magic-square number
rnam-dag grub-dhru corrected monthly root figures for full tenet
rnam-dag ri-mo correct figure
rnam-shes loaded consciousness (#3 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
rnyed-nor answer
rnyed-pa answer
ro tastes (= the number 6)
rta horses (= the number 7)
rta horse (#4 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
rtag-byed bzhi four static (one-time) action periods
rtag-longs daily motion constant (= rtag-pa’i longs-spyod)
rtag-pa’i longs-spyod daily motion constant
rten-’brel dependent arisings (= the number 12)
rten-’brel ‘bras-bu effect of the natal link of dependent arising
rten-’brel bcu-gnyis twelve links of dependent arising (a system for analyzing personality and character, correlating one link to each lunar date day, calculated according to a complex scheme involving the nadir- and zenith-points)
rtsa channels (= the number 9)
rtsa-rgyud (Skt. Mula Kalachakra Tantra)
rtsa-sgrub derived root features
rtse-mo-can what has tips (= trident = the number 3)
rtsis-kyi dus-tshod astrological period (of a day) (= 5 astrological hours = 2 clock hours)
rtsis-lhag leftover position (from prior calculations)
rus-sbel ‘khor-lo tortoise chart
sa earth (one of the 4 elements in the Kalachakra list and one of the 5 elements in the Chinese list)
sa-’bri sand-writing
sa-’dzin holders of earth (= mountains = the number 7)
sa-ga Lower Libra (Skt. vishakha) (#15 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
sa-ga’i zla-ba Vishakha (Kalachakra month #2 = Tibetan month #4)
sa-glang earth-bull scheme
sa-gzhong sand-writing board
sa-ri Arctaurus (Skt. svati) (#14 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of wind)
sa-sros khyi dusk dog-period (#8 of the 12 periods of a day,  19:00 – 21:00)
sa-ya million
sangs Venus; Friday (= pa=sangs)
sbrul snakes (= the number 8)
sbrul snake (#3 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
sbyang-ba subtract
sbyin-pa add
sbyor combination (= the number 2)
sbyor-ba combination period (one of the 5 inclusive calendar features)
sbyor-ba dag-pa corrected combination period
sbyor-ba nyer-bdun twenty-seven combination periods (each of which is the period of time during which the combined motion of the sun and moon equals one twenty-­seventh of a complete zodiac)
sde-pa classes (of Indian languages) (= the number 4)
sdig Scorpio (Skt. vrshvika) (#7 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
sdom summation number
sel removal (#0 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
seng-gdan lion-seat chart
seng-ge Leo (Skt. sinha) (#4 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
sgang zenith-point
sgang-’char “hill-ascending” zenith-point
sgang-gi nyin-mtsham tshad length of day and night at that occasion
sgang-tshad measure of the zenith-point
sgos-pa’i nyin-zhag individual solar day (count in a planet’s orbit)
sgos-zhag individual day (count in a planet’s zodiac orbit)
sgra-gcan north node, Rahu (indicated by the number 8 in a horoscope chart) (= gdong-skar)
sgra-sgrogs Ravana (10-faced demon = the number 10)
sgrub-’byor accomplishing conjunctions
sgyur-byed multiplier
shed-bu progeny of Manu (= the number 14)
shi death (date # 5 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= nub = rdzogs)
shi-rtsis death calculations
shin-tu lhung-ba complete downfall (#16 of the 27 combination period, when the count is begun with 0)
shin-tu skrangs-pa very swollen (#5 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
shing wood (one of the 5 elements in the Chinese list)
skad-cig seconds (= dbugs)
skag Hydra (Skt. ashlesha) (#8 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of water)
skal-bzang good fortune (#3 of the 27 combinations periods, when the count is begun with 0)
skar lunar constellation (one of the 5 inclusive calendar features) (= skar-ma)
skar-ma constellation; lunar constellation
skar-ma constellations (= the number 27)
skar-ma ‘phos-tshe time of (a planet) shifting lunar constellations
skar-ma’i ‘bras-bu effect of the natal lunar constellation
skar-rtsis stellar calculations
skrangs-pa swollen (#9 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
skye-mched stimulators of cognition (#5 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
skye-pa conception (#11 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
skyes-gza’ natal weekday
skyes-khyim birth zodiac-sign position (of a planet)
skyes-skar birth constellation
skyes-sme natal magic-square number
skyes-spar natal trigram
sme-’khor (180-year) period of magic-square numbers
sme-’phreng (60-year) cycle of magic-square numbers
sme-ba magic-square number
sme-ba’i ‘bras-bu effect of the natal magic-square number
sme-ba’i dgu-mig nine-based misfortune spot from the magic-square number
smin-drug Pleiades (Skt. krttika) (#2 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of fire)
smin-drug-gi zla-ba Pleiades (Kalachakra month #8 = Tibetan month #10)
sna-tshogs varieties (= the number 13)
snang-’gros apparent gait (of a planet)
snar-ma Aldebaran (Skt. rohini) (#3 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
snga-cha earlier half (of a date; daytime)
snga-dhru previous (month’s) root figures
snga-dro ‘das-pa if it is morning, the time passed (since sunrise)
snga-rkang earlier (decelerating) quarter (or quadrant)
snon add
snron Antares (Skt. jyeshtha) (#17 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of earth)
snron-gyi zla-ba Antares (Kalachakra month #3 = Tibetan month #5)
snrubs Beyond Scorpio  (Skt. mula) (#18 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of water)
snying-stobs courageous (referring to luminosity, lightness, strength, pleasure) (Skt. sattva) (one of the 3 universal constituents in the Samkhya system)
so teeth (= the number 32)
son-phan abacus
sor-mo fingers (= the number 10)
spar-kha brgyad eight trigrams (deriving from the Chinese Book of Changes, Chin. Yijing, Wade-Giles Chin. I Ching)
spar-kha’i dgu-mig nine-based misfortune spot from the trigram
spar-kha’i dur-mig cemetery misfortune spot from the trigram
spel-ba multiply
spen Saturn; Saturday (= spen-pa = nyi-bu)
spen-pa Saturn (indicated by the number 0 in a horoscope chart) (= spen = nyi-bu)
spen-pa Saturday (= gza’ spen-pa)
spor-thang gser-rtsis Great Tang dynasty yellow calculations
sprel monkey (#6 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
spyi-dhru general root (for divination)
spyi-dhru general root (for all planets in lifespan calculations)
spyi-yi nyin-zhag general solar day (count in a 60-year cycle)
spyi-zhag general day (count in a 60-year cycle)
srang Libra (Skt. tula) (#6 of the 12 signs of the zodiac, when the count is begun with 0)
sred-pa craving (#8 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
sreg-pa’i sbyor burning activities (#9 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of earth and fire, when the count is begun with 1)
sreg-pa’i tshe lunar dates when get burnt
srid endurings (= the number 14)
srid-pa further existence (#10 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
srid-pa existences (= the number 3)
srid-pa’i gnas places of enduring (= the number 14)
srid-pa’i rus-sbel tortoise of what occurs
srin-mo rakshasas (cannibal-demons = the number 9)
srod-’khor phag after dusk pig-period (#9 of the 12 periods of a day,  21:00 – 23:00)
srog life-force
srog-gi tshang-’bras full effect of the natal life-force element
srog-gza’ life-force weekday
srog-rdel life-force pebble-element
srog-skar life-force constellation
srog-sme life-force magic-square number
stag tiger (#12 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
stag-mgo me-’bar Tiger-head Blazing Fire (the name of a comet, one of the 4 bad omen planets)
ster-ba add
stobs forces (of a Buddha =10)
stobs-ldan strong (#6 of the 10 lesser matchings, the matching of fire and wind, when the count is begun with 1)
ston-’bring bya autumn middle build-up bird month (Tib. #6)
ston-ka autumn
ston-ra sprel autumn prelude build-up monkey month (Tib. #5)
ston-tha khyi autumn finale build-up dog month (Tib. #7)
stong thousandths place in a number
stong new moon (= 30 th of the lunar month) (= nam-stong = nam-gang)
stong emptying (date # 4 in the lunar date divine quality system of counting dates) (= rgan)
stong-gi sgra-gcan north node position at new moon
stong-ka’i nyi-mtshan mnyam-pa autumnal equinox
stong-pa void; empty (= the number 0)
sum-cu cha’i dus-sbyor thirty-choice divination (used mainly for investigating about business, sickness, or some needed purpose)
tat-kal ascendant (for that time)
tat-kal ascendant investigation for the time of divination
tha-skar Upper Aries (Skt. ashvini) (#0 of the 27 lunar constellations, when the count is begun with 0, associated with the element of wind)
tha-skar-gyi zla-ba Upper Aries (Kalachakra month #7 = Tibetan month #9)
thabs-shes method and wisdom (= the number 2)
then-pa subtract
thig-le drop (= the number 0)
tho-rangs false dawn
tho-rangs stag false dawn tiger-period (#12 of the 12 periods of a day, 3:00 – 5:00)
thob-nor answer
thob-pa answer
thub-pa able sages (munis = the number 7)
thun session (= 10 astrological hours = 4 clock hours)
thur-btsal investigate (the length of the shadow of) the gnomen
thur-ma gnomen
thur-shing gnomen-stick
til-brdung embracing like sesame and rice (#4 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
tsha-ba heats (= the number 3)
tshad-’dzin gza’-bar mean measure-holding lunar weekday position
tshad-’dzin nyi-bar mean measure-holding sun position
tshangs-pa Brahma (#24 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
tshe lunar date (one of the 5 inclusive calendar features) (= tshe-grangs)
tshe-bsre spyi-zhag date-added general day count (in 60-year cycle)
tshe-grangs date of the lunar month; lunar date
tshe-grangs ‘dod-cha lunar date’s thirteen-part parts unit-place (in the precis system of astro calculations)
tshe-grangs lnga-cha lunar date’s fifth or parts unit-place (divided into 67 parts in the full tenet system of astro calculations)
tshe-ldan meaningful life (#2 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
tshe-lha lunar date divine quality (a 5-member system for dividing lunar dates, named after five periods in life)
tshe-lo years of lifespan
tshe-sme lunar date’s magic-square number
tshe-spar lunar date’s trigram
tshe-tshad lifespan
tshes dates (= the number 15)
tshes-’khyud zla-skar dag-pa corrected moon’s conjunct constellation for 0
tshes-rab las-rtsis personal horoscope
tshes-zhag lunar date day
tshes-zla rnam-par dag-pa corrected (number of) lunar months (since start of cycle)
tshong-pa trade (#6 of the 11 action periods, when the count is begun with 1)
tshor-ba feeling a level of happiness (#7 of the 12 natal links of dependent arising)
ya warped day (= yan-kvong)
yan-kvong warped day (= ya)
yan-lag lnga five branches (= five inclusive calendar features) (= lnga-bsdus)
yang-dag rgyu perfect mover (hours unit-place figure derived in the calculation of the position of one of the 5 planets)
yang-rgyu’i cha-shas perfect mover parts (unit-place figure derived in the calculation of the position of one of the 5 planets)
yang-rgyu’i chu-tshod perfect mover hours (unit-place figure derived in the calculation of the position of one of the 5 planets)
yang-rgyu’i dbyug perfect mover hours (unit-place figures derived in the calculation of the position of one of the 5 planets)
yang-rgyu’i srang perfect mover minutes (unit-place figures derived in the calculation of the position of one of the 5 planets)
yar-gyi bzhi-gshed counterclockwise fourth-place slaughterer (animal-sign) (the animal-sign four places behind and thus squaring the natal animal)
yar-ngo waxing phase
yar-ngo’i tshe dates of the waxing moon
yid minds (= the number 14)
yon-tan universal constituents (Skt. guna) (= the number 3)
yongs-’joms full defeat (#18 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
yos hare (#1 of the 12 animal cycle, when the count is begun with yos, hare, as 1)
yul sacred sites (of Heruka) (= the number 24)
zha bad day (= zhag-ngan)
zhabs-rten religious ceremony
zhag-ngan bad day (= zha)
zhag-re’i ‘gros-khyad daily special gait (of a planet)
zhal-lung lo-’pho shift to the new year according to the personal instructions of Pundarika
zhi-ba peaceful
zhi-ba peace (#19 of the 27 combinations periods, when the count is begun with 0)
zhi-dal drag-rkang mean brake-point position for the (two) peaceful planets as well as the quadrant-holder position for the (three) forceful planets (= nyin-zhag nyi-bar)
zhi-gza’ gnyis two peaceful (inner) planets (= Mercury and Venus)
zhi-gza’ gnyis-kyi rkang-’dzin mean quadrant-holder position for the two peaceful planets
zhing field (of zodiac-signs ruled)
zhing-bdag gza’ planet ruling the field (of a sign of the zodiac)
zhing-la ‘jug enter within the field (of the sun’s orb)
zhu-ba subtract
zin-shing zhen-wood (Chinese: zhen, thunder, the arousing) (#7 of the 8 trigrams)
zla moon; Monday (= zla-ba)
zla-’dzin lunar eclipse
zla-ba moon (indicated by the number 2 in a horoscope chart)
zla-ba moon (= the number 1)
zla-ba Monday (= gza’ zla-ba)
zla-ba month
zla-ba’i thun-min rtag-longs moon’s uncommon daily motion constant
zla-bu Mercury (indicated by the number 4 in a horoscope chart) (= lhag-pa = lhag)
zla-bzhol intercalary month
zla-dag corrected (number of) months (since the start of a 60-year cycle)
zla-lhag extra doubled month
zla-nag black (difficult) month
zla-rkang moon’s quadrant-motion constant
zla-rkang dag-pa moon’s corrected quadrant-motion constant
zla-rkang re’u-mig table of moon’s quadrant-motion constants
zla-skar moon’s constellation (with a weekday) (= res-‘grogs zla-skar)
zla-skar dag-pa corrected moon’s constellation
zla-thebs leap-month
zla-tho monthly almanac
zon-rlung sun-wind (Chinese: sun, wind, the gentle) (#8 of the 8 trigrams
zug-rngu pain (#8 of the 27 combination periods, when the count is begun with 0)
zung pair (= the number 2)
zung-ldan what has pairs (= the number 4)
