The Aggregate of Feelings

The Meaning of Feelings in the Context of the Five Aggregates

The second aggregate is the aggregate of feelings. In this context, it means feeling a level of happiness or unhappiness. This aggregate is not referring to emotional feelings; instead, it deals with the single dimension of happiness or unhappiness – across a spectrum – from the greatest degree of unhappiness to the greatest degree of happiness. It is a mental factor that accompanies both sensory cognition – feeling happy or unhappy while seeing or hearing something – and mental cognition – feeling happy or sad while thinking about or remembering something. 

Understanding this dimension of happiness or unhappiness is helpful in gaining an initial appreciation of the different types of life forms that are discussed in Buddhism. The six realms and the types of limited sentient beings found in them are a particularly difficult point to understand in Buddhism. Let’s digress briefly to shed some light on this subject.
