Dependent Arising in Terms of Mental Labeling

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Review of the Conventional “Me” Being an Imputation on the Five Aggregates

We’ve been speaking about voidness (emptiness) and we have seen that voidness is a negation phenomenon, something that we know by negating or refuting something else. What we are refuting, when we know voidness, is impossible ways of existing with respect to everything: ourselves, others, and all objects in general. We started to look in terms of the person or “me” and the voidness of the person, and the relationship between a person or “me” and the aggregate factors that make up each moment of our experience, because when we first start to try to understand voidness, we start with trying to understand the voidness of the self, the person, because that is a bit easier to understand than the voidness of all phenomena, although voidness is the same with respect to both.

We saw that the self of a person is an imputation on the basis of all the aggregate factors that make up each moment of our experience, and we looked a little bit more deeply about what that actually meant. If we look at our experience, the question is, “What’s happening; what’s happening each moment?” All that is happening at each moment is that we are on some “channel of consciousness,” when we’re seeing, hearing, thinking, or whatever. There are various objects that we are aware of, particularly here in terms of sense objects: sights, sounds and so on. Within the sense field – because when we see, we take in a whole sense field – there is distinguishing certain colored shapes from other colored shapes, for instance, if we think in terms of vision. And how do we actually experience these various shapes, and objects, and so on, that we distinguish? We experience them with some level on the spectrum between “completely happy” or “completely unhappy.”

Feeling some level of happiness is defined as that which ripens from our karma. In other words, depending on the positive force from constructive behavior that we’ve done in the past, or on the negative force from the destructive behavior we’ve done in the past, we experience things with happiness or unhappiness. After all, two people can be served the same food: one person experiences it with happiness and pleasure, they like it, the other person hates it, is very unhappy, “I don’t like this.” This is the ripening of karma. It’s quite interesting, if you think in terms of a computer that is dealing with information. How is that different from a mind dealing with information? A computer doesn’t experience happiness or unhappiness with that information, whereas a mind does. Although we might think that the computer is very unhappy with us when it loses our data.

And then also what is part of our experience is this last aggregate, the aggregate of everything else, all other affecting variables: all the emotions, and concentration, sleepiness, and interest, and all these other things in there. And what is “me?” “Me” is found in this last aggregate, by the way, in the aggregate of other affecting variables. It’s not that it’s outside the system. It’s not something extra, like icing put on the cake of the aggregates. The “me,” the self, is an imputation on each moment of all these aggregate factors that are changing all the time. In a sense, it is like the imputation of a whole on parts. Like, if we have a movie: a movie is made up of one moment after another moment, after another moment, and the content of it is changing continuously. And what is “a movie?” A movie is an imputation on the whole thing, isn’t it?

This was what we covered last time, and we saw that this “me” is what’s known as the “conventional me,” a specific imputation on a particular stream of continuity of aggregate factors – that this is something which conventionally does exist. What we are refuting is an impossible way, a false way, in which that “me” exists.
