This bibliography was originally published as an appendix to H. H. the Dalai Lama and Berzin, Alexander. The Gelug/Kagyü Tradition of Mahamudra. Ithaca, Snow Lion, 1997, and published here in the preceding items on this website in individual parts.
Tibetan and Sanskrit Titles of Cited Texts
The Abbreviated Kalachakra Tantra (Laghu Kalacakra Tantra; Dus-'khor bsdus-rgyud).
The Admission of Downfalls (lTung-bshags).
Aku Sherab-gyatso (Akhu Shes-rab rgya-mtsho), Notes from a Discourse on "An Offering Ceremony to the Spiritual Masters" Interspersed with Mahamudra (Bla-ma mchod-pa phyag-chen-dang sbrags-pa'i khrid-kyi zin-bris).
_______, Notes from a Discourse on "An Offering Ceremony to the Spiritual Masters" Interspersed with Mahamudra: A Stream of Nectars Eliminating the Deficiencies of Compulsive Existence and Stilled Apathy (Bla-ma mchod-pa phyag-chen-dang sbrags-pa'i khrid-kyi zin-bris srid-zhi'i gdung-sel bdud-rtsi'i chu-rgyun).
Anangavajra, Establishing Method and Discriminating Awareness (Prajnopaya-vinishcayasiddhi; Thabs-shes grub-pa).
Aryadeva, Four Hundred Verse Treatise (Catuhshataka; bZhi-brgya-pa).
_______, A Lamp for a Compendium of Practices, A Commentary on the Meaning of the Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Complete Stage] (Caryamelapaka-pradipa; sPyod-bsdus).
Atisha, A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (Bodhipathapradipa; Lam-sgron).
Buton (Bu-ston Rin-chen grub), An Explanatory Discourse on [Chandrakirti's] "An Illuminating Lamp [for 'The Guhyasamaja Root Tantra']" (sGron-gsal bshad-sbyar).
_______, An Extensive Commentary on [Nagarjuna's "A Method to Actualize Guhyasamaja] Made in Brief" mDor-byas rgya-cher bshad-pa).
Chandrakirti, An Auto-commentary on "Engaging in the Middle Way" (Madhyamakavatarabhashya; dBu-ma-la 'jug-pa'i bshad-pa).
_______, An Illuminating Lamp [for "The Guhyasamaja Root Tantra”] (Pradipoddytana; sGron-gsal).
_______, Engaging in the Middle Way (Madhyamakavatara; dBu-ma-la 'jug-pa).
Changkya Rolpe Dorje (lCang-skya Rol-pa'i rdo-rje), Answers to Questions (Dri-len).
The Confession Sutra Before the Thirty-five Buddhas (lTung-bshags lha so-lnga).
Darika, Establishing the Very Nature of the Reality of the Great Hidden Factors (Mahaguhyatattvasiddhi; gSang-ba chen-po'i de-kho-na-nyid grub-pa).
Dharmakirti, A Commentary on [Dignaga's "Compendium of] Validly Cognizing Minds" (Pramanavarttika; Tshad-ma rnam-'grel).
Dharmavajra (Chos-kyi rdo-rje), The Guru-yoga of the Foremost Three-part Composite Being (Sems-pa-gsum rtse-mo'i bla-ma'i rnal-sbyor).
Dombi Heruka, Establishing What Simultaneously Arises (Sahajasiddhi; Lhan-cig skyes-grub).
The Eight Thousand Verse Prajnaparamita Sutra (Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra; brGyad-stong-pa).
Gampopa (sGam-po-pa Zla-'od gzhun-nu), A Jewel Ornament for the Path to Liberation (Tharpa’i lam-rgyan).
The Guhyasamaja Root Tantra; cf., The Guhyasamaja Tantra.
The Guhyasamaja Tantra (Guhyasamaja Tantra; gSang-'dus rtsa-rgyud).
Gungthang Rinpoche (Gung-thang dKon-mchog bstan-pa'i sgron-me), Notes from a Discourse on the Gelug Tradition of Mahamudra (dGe-ldan phyag-chen khrid-kyi zin-bris).
_______, Thousands of Songs of Meditative Experience (sTong-mgur).
Gyelrong Tsultrim-nyima (rGyal-rong Tshul-khrims nyi-ma), Last Testament Letter Cast to the Wind (Kha-chems rlung-la bskur-ba'i 'phrin-yig).
Gyaltsab Je (rGyal-tshab rJe Dar-ma rin-chen), The Heart of Excellent Explanation [Commentary on Aryadeva's "Four Hundred Veses."] (bZhi-brgya-pa'i rnam-bshad legs-bshad snying-po).
The Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita Hrdaya; Shes-rab snying-po).
The Hundred Thousand Verse Prajnaparamita Sutra (Shatasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra; 'Bum).
The Hundreds of Deities of Tushita (dGa'-ldan lha-brgya-ma).
Indrabhuti, Establishing Deep Awareness (Jnanasiddhi; Ye-shes grub-pa).
Jamyang-zhepa, Ngawang-tsondru ('Jam-dbyangs bzhad-pa Ngag-dbang brtson-grus), An Interlinear Commentary on "An Offering Ceremony to the Spiritual Masters" (Bla-ma mchod-pa'i cho-ga'i mchan-'grel).
_______, A Root Text on the Tenet Systems (sGrub-mtha' rtsa-ba).
The Kalachakra Tantra; cf., The Abbreviated Kalachakra Tantra.
Ninth Karmapa (Kar-ma-pa dBang-phyug rdo-rje), Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance (Phyag-chen ma-rig mun-gsal).
Kedrub Je (mKhas-grub-rje dGe-legs dpal-bzang), Answers to Questions (Dri-len).
_______, Miscellaneous Writings (gSung thor-bu).
Kedrub Kyungpo (mKhas-grub Khyung-po rNal-sbyor), Hundreds of Verses for Auspiciousness (Shis-brjod bka'-brgya-ma).
Kedrub Norzang-gyatso (mKhas-grub Nor-bzang rgya-mtsho), A Lamp for Clarifying Mahamudra to Establish the Single Intention of the Kagyu and Gelug Traditions (bKa'-dge dgongs-pa gcig-bsgrub-kyi phyag-rgya chen-po gsal-ba'i sgron-ma).
_______, A Lamp to Clarify the Meaning of the Generation Stage of Guhyasamaja (dPal gsang-ba 'dus-pa'i bskyed-rim-gyi don gsal-bar byed-pa'i sgron-me).
_______, A Lamp for Further Clarifying the Five Stages [of Guhyasamaja] (Rim-pa lnga'i yang-gsal sgron-me).
_______, An Ornament for "The Stainless Light" [Commentary on "The Abbreviated Kalachakra Tantra"] (Dri-med 'od-rgyan).
The King of Absorbed Concentrations Sutra (Samadhiraja Sutra; Ting-nge-'dzin rgyal-po'i mdo).
Lakshmikara, Establishing Non-discordance (Advayasiddhi; gNyis-med grub-pa).
Longchenpa (Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa), A Treasury of Deep Awareness (Ye-shes mdzod),
The Lotus Sutra (Saddharmapundarika Sutra; Padma dkar-po'i mdo).
Mahasukha, Establishing the Hidden Factors (Guhyasiddhi; gSang-ba grub-pa).
Maitreya, Differentiating the Middle from Extremes (Madhyantavibhaga; dBus-mtha' rnam-'byed).
_______, A Filigree of Clear Realizations (Abhisamayalamkara; mNgon-rtogs rgyan).
_______, The Furthest Everlasting Continuum (Uttaratantra; rGyud bla-ma).
Marpa (Mar-pa Lo-tsa-ba) Songs of Meditational Experience (Mar-pa'i gsung-mgur).
Nagarjuna, The Five Stages [of the Guhyasama Complete Stage] (Pancakrama; Rim-lnga).
_______, A Precious Garland (Ratnavali; Rin-chen 'phreng-ba).
_______, Root Verses on the Middle Way (Mulamadhyamaka Karika; dBu-ma rtsa-shes).
_______, [A Method to Actualize Guhyasamaja] Made in Brief (Pindikrta, mDor-byas).
Ngari Panchen Pema-wanggyal (mNga'-ris Pan-chen Padma dbang-rgyal), A Commentary on [Sakya Pandita's] "Differentiating the Three Levels of Vowed Restraints" (sDom-gsum rab-dbye'i 'grel-ba).
Padampa Sanggye (Pha-dam-pa Sangs-rgyas), A Hundred Verses to the People of Dingri (Ding-ri brgya-rsta-ma).
Fourth Panchen Lama, Losang-chokyi-gyaltsen (Pa-chen Blo-bzang chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan), An Extensive Explanation of "A Root Text for the Gelug/Kagyu Lineage of Mahamudra": A Lamp for Further Illumination (dGa'-ldan bka'-brgyud srol phyag-chen rtsa-ba rgyas-par bshad-pa yang-gsal sgron-me, Phyag-chen rtsa-ba'i rang-'grel).
_______, An Offering Ceremony to the Spiritual Masters, The Guru Puja (Bla-ma mchod-pa).
_______, A Root Text for the Precious Gelug/Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra: The Main Road of the Triumphant Ones (dGe-ldan bka'-brgyud rin-po-che'i phyag-chen rtsa-ba rgyal-ba'i gzhung-lam, Phyag-chen rtsa-ba).
_______, A Six-session Guru-yoga (Thun-drug bla-ma'i rnal-sbyor).
Sixth Panchen Lama, Palden-yeshe (Pan-chen dPal-ldan ye-shes), Answers to Questions (Dri-len).
Pundarika, Stainless Light [Commentary on "The Kalachakra Abbreviated Tantra"] (Vimalaprabha; Dri-med 'od).
Sakya Pandita (Sa-chen Kun-dga' rgyal-mtshan), Differentiating the Three Levels of Vowed Restraints (sDom-gsum rab-dbye).
Sanggye-yeshe (Sangs-rgyas ye-shes), Songs of Meditational Experience (gSung-mgur-ma).
Saraha, The Commoner Dohas (dMangs do-ha).
_______, The King Dohas (rGyal-po do-ha).
_______, The Queen Dohas (bTsun-mo do-ha).
_______, The Three Core Volumes (sNying-po skor-gsum).
Sershul (Ser-shul dGe-bshes Blo-bzang phun-tshogs), Notes on the Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Complete Stage] (Rim-lnga zin-bris).
The Seven Texts of the Mahasiddhas (Grub-pa sde-bdun).
Shantideva, Engaging in Bodhisattva Behavior (Bodhicaryavatara; sPyod-'jug).
A Sutra on the Essential Factors for Accordant Progress (Tathagatagarbha Sutra; De-bshegs snying-po'i mdo).
Tagtsang Lotsawa (sTag-tshang Lo-tsa-ba Shes-rab rin-chen), An Ocean of Teachings on the General Meaning of Kalacakra (Dus-'khor spyi-don bstan-pa'i rgya-mtsho).
The Three Mothers (Yum-gsum).
Tsongkhapa (Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa), The Essence of Excellent Explanation of Interpretable and Definitive Meanings (Drang-nges legs-bshad snying-po).
_______, A Grand Presentation of an Exceptionally Perceptive State of Mind (Lhag-mthong chen-mo).
_______, A Grand Presentation of the Graded Stages of the Path (Lam-rim chen-mo).
_______, A Grand Presentation of the Graded Stages of the Secret Mantra Path (sNgags-rim chen-mo).
_______, A Lamp for Clarifying the Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Complete Stage] (Rim-lnga gsal-sgron).
_______, An Ocean of Reason [Commentary on Nagarjuna's "Root Verses on the Middle Way"] (Rigs-pa'i rgya-mtsho).
_______, Precious Sprout, Deciding the Difficult Points of [Chandrakirti's] "An Illuminating Lamp [for 'The Guhyasamaja Root Tantra']" (sGron-gsal dka'-gnas-kyi mtha'-gcod rin-po-che'i myu-gu).
_______, The Pure Stages of the Yoga of Guhyasamaja (gSang-'dus rnal-sbyor dag-rim).
_______, A Short Presentation of an Exceptionally Perceptive State of Mind (Lhag-mthong chung-ngu).
_______, A Short Presentation of the Graded Stages of the Path (Lam-rim chung-ngu).
_______, Illuminating the Intent: An Explanation of (Chandrakirti’s) “Engaging in the Middle Way” (dGongs-pa rab-gsal).
_______, The Three Principal Aspects of the Path (Lam-gtso rnam-gsum).
_______, A Treasury of Commentaries on the Five Stages [of the Guhyasamaja Complete Stage] (Rim-lnga 'grel-mdzod).
The Twenty Thousand Verse Prajnaparamita Sutra (Pancavimshatisahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra; Nyi-khri stong-pa).
Vasubandhu, A Treasure House of Special Topics of Knowledge (Abhidharmakosha; mDzod).
Yogini Chinta, Establishing the Very Nature of the Reality of What Follows from Becoming Clear about Functional Phenomena (Vyaktabhavanugatatattvasiddhi; dNgos-po gsal-ba'i rjes-su 'gro-ba'i de-kho-na-nyid grub-pa).
Yongdzin Yeshe-gyaltsen (Yongs-'dzin Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan), Clearly Indicating the Main Points from the Oral Teachings of the Gelug Tradition of Mahamudra (dGa'-ldan phyag-rgya chen-po'i man-ngag-gi gnad gsal-bar ston-pa).
_______, Notes from a Discourse on the Gelug Tradition of Mahamudra (dGa-ldan phyag-rgya chen-po'i khrid-yig).