Preliminaries to Meditating


An Environment Conducive for Meditation

To actually engage in meditation, we need circumstances conducive for it. There are many lists of factors that will be conducive for meditation, but these are usually discussed or presented within the context of doing a meditation retreat, whereas most of us are meditating at home.

Even at home what will be most helpful is to not have distractions. The environment needs to be as quiet as possible. Many of us live on noisy streets with traffic, and so meditating early in the morning or late at night, when the traffic is less heavy, is better. In addition, the environment should have no music and no television in the next room. These sorts of things are quite important. If it’s not possible to have a quiet environment, then try earplugs. They don’t necessarily block out all of the noise, but they certainly make it less intense.

Many of us don’t have the privilege of being able to have a separate meditation room. You can use whatever space you have available. Meditate on your bed if you need to, that’s not a problem. Most Tibetans living in India meditate on their beds.

Another factor that’s quite important is to have a clean, neat room. If the environment is clean and neat, that influences the mind to be clean and neat. If the room is sloppy, messy, or dirty, the mind tends to be the same way. Because of that, one of the preliminaries that’s always listed as a requirement before meditation is to clean the meditation room, and make some sort of offering, even if it’s just a single cup of water. We want to show respect for what we’re doing, and if we’re thinking in terms of inviting the Buddhas and bodhisattvas to be present, we would want to invite them to a clean room, not to a messy, dirty one. Even on just a normal psychological level, it’s important to have respect for what we’re doing, and to treat it as something special. “Special” doesn’t mean creating an elaborate environment, like a Hollywood movie set with incense and candles, but simple, plain, neat, clean, and respectful.
