Definitions of the Two Truths: Gelug Prasangika

Definition of the Two Truths

Deepest Truth

A mind that analyzes the deepest nature of a knowable phenomenon takes as its involved object (jug-yul) its deepest essential nature, i.e. it takes the voidness of the phenomenon as the main object with which it cognitively engages. Although voidness does not stand up to this analysis with reasoning, since no self-establishing nature or self-defining characteristic mark can be found on the side of voidness establishing its existence; nevertheless, voidness, as the involved object of the analysis, is deepest truth (don-dam bden-pa; ultimate truth). It is the deepest true fact about a conventional object, namely how that object actually exists – i.e., totally devoid of a self-establishing nature, since there are no such things.

Superficial Truth

A mind that analyzes the superficial nature of a knowable phenomenon takes as its involved object its superficial essential nature. Its superficial essential nature, for instance as a human, a lake or a religion, also does not stand up to this analysis with reasoning, since no self-establishing nature or self-defining characteristic mark can be found on the side of this superficial nature either, establishing its existence. Nevertheless, when not analyzed, this superficial essential nature appears to be established by a self-establishing nature, although it is not.

Self-establishing natures, when considered actually to exist, although they do not, are superficial truths (kun-rdzob bden-pa; concealer truth, obscurational truth, conventional truth, relative truth). In fact, however, they are not true at all.
