Mental Urges in Karmic Actions of the Body and Speech in Vaibhashika

Review of Mental Urges in Karmic Actions of the Mind

In the previous part of this series, we modified Vasubandhu’s Sautrantika presentation of the division between performer impulses (byed-pa’i las, Skt. kāritrakarma) and exertional impulses (rtsol-ba-can-gyi las, Skt. vyavasāyakarma) and applied the terms to his Vaibhashika presentation of mental urges as impulses of the mind.

  • A “performer non-karmic impulse” is the mental factor of an urge (sems-pa, Skt. cetanā) that affects and drives a mental consciousness in a non-conceptual or conceptual cognition or one of the five types of sensory consciousness (which occur only in non-conceptual cognition), together with its other accompanying mental factors, to move toward a cognitive object and to cognize it. 
  • A “karmic exertional impulse” is the mental factor of an urge that affects and drives a mental consciousness and its other accompanying mental factors in a conceptual cognition during the course of a karmic action of the mind that engages the body or speech by thinking about and deciding to commit a specific karmic action with one of the two. 
  • A “non-karmic exertional impulse” is the mental factor of an urge that affects and drives a sensory consciousness and its other accompanying mental factors in a non-conceptual cognition during the course of a karmic action of the body or speech that engages the body or speech in committing the karmic action.  

The mental factor of an urge is able to perform either of these two functions – the non-karmic one of a performer impulse and the karmic or non-karmic one of an exertional impulse – by sharing five congruent features in common (foundation, focal object, aspect, time, and substantial entity) with the consciousness involved and its other accompanying mental factors. 

In the presentation of the ten destructive and ten constructive actions of body, speech and mind, the consciousness in one of the three destructive or three constructive actions of the mind is: 

  • A mental consciousness
  • The causal motivator (rgyu’i kun-slong, Skt. hetūttāna) and antecedent cause (brgyud-rgyu) for the arising of a subsequent destructive or constructive revealing form (rnam-par rig-byed-kyi gzugs, Skt. vijñaptirūpa) of the body or speech.  
  • The initial engager (rab-tu ’jug-byed-pa, Skt. pravartika) of the body or speech. 
  • The mental urge that drives this mental consciousness is a karmic exertional impulse. 

The consciousness in one of the three destructive or three constructive actions of the body or speech is: 

  • One the five types of sensory consciousness
  • The contemporaneous motivator (dus-kyi kun-slong, Skt. tatkṣaṇotthāna) and immediate cause (dngos-kyi-rgyu, Skt. sakṣātkāraṇa) for the arising of the destructive or constructive revealing form in the action. 
  • The subsequent engager (rjes-su ’jug-byed, Skt. anuvartika) of the body or speech.
  • The mental urge that drives this sensory consciousness is a non-karmic exertional impulse. 

What is the relation between a performer urge and an exertional urge? Let us first analyze when the exertional urge is a karmic one.
