Distinctions between Tendencies & Habits: Gelug Usage

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General Classification

Habits (bag-chags, instinct) are the type of nonstatic dormant factor (bag-la nyal) that is neither a form of physical phenomenon nor a way of being aware of something. As such, they are non-congruent affecting variables (ldan-min ‘du-byed).

[See: Congruent and Non-Congruent Affecting Variables]

Moreover, “habit” is a general term for both tendencies (sa-bon, seed, legacies) and habits. Only the Mahayana tenet systems assert tendencies and habits as two distinct categories of habits. Here, we shall discuss only the Mahayana systems, and among the various Tibetan interpretations of them, only the Gelug. Moreover, within Gelug, we shall occasionally point out unique assertions from the Panchen and Jetsunpa textbook traditions.

Further, there are

  1. habits from karmic actions, which give rise to karmic ripenings,
  2. habits from experiences, that give rise to remembering, and
  3. habits that are included in the two sets of obscuration. Here, we shall discuss only the third type.