Inciting and Incited Karmic Impulses in Madhyamaka

Sources of the Madhyamaka View of Karma

Let us survey the Madhyamaka view of karma, starting with Nagarjuna (Klu-grub, Skt. Nāgārjuna) in the late second century CE. It follows the Sarvastivada abhidharma assertion, also found in the Mahayana sutras, that the karmic impulses of the body and speech are comprised of both revealing forms (rnam-par rig-byed-kyi gzugs, Skt. vijñaptirūpa) and nonrevealing forms (rnam-par rig-byed ma-yin-pa’i gzugs, Skt. avijñaptirūpa). Nagarjuna’s formulation came about half a century after the Fourth Buddhist Council, which compiled the Vaibhashika interpretation of these abhidharma and sutra sources into The Great Extensive Commentarial Treatise on Special Topics of Knowledge (Chos mngon-pa bye-brag bshad-pa chen-mo, Skt. Abhidharma Mahāvibhāṣā). Since Nagarjuna refers to there being a more extensive presentation of the details of karma elsewhere, he was undoubtedly aware of The Great Extensive Commentarial Treatise while teaching at Nalanda Monastic University. He predates Vasubandhu, however, by about two centuries. 

Later Indian commentators on Nagarjuna’s texts, such as the early sixth-century masters Buddhapalita (Buddha-pā-li-ta, Sangs-rgyas bskyangs, Skt. Buddhapālita) and Bhavaviveka (Legs-ldan ’byed, Skt. Bhāvaviveka), the seventh-century master Chandrakirti (Zla-ba grags-pa, Skt. Candrakīrti) and the eighth-century master Avalokitavrata (sPyan-ras-gzigs brtul-zhugs, Skt. Avalokitavrata), like Nagarjuna, were teachers at Nalanda Monastic University. By their times, not only Nagajuna’s texts but also the texts of Vasubandhu and his Indian commentators, such as Jinaputra Yashomitra (rGyal-sras Grags-pa bshes-gnyen, Skt. Jinaputra Yaśomitra) and Sthiramati (Blo-gros brtan-pa, Skt. Sthiramati), would also have been available and studied at Nalanda. These later Madhyamaka masters occasionally quote or paraphrase Vasubandhu’s texts.

The Prasangika division of Madhyamaka traces from Buddhapalita. Bhavaviveka refuted many of his contemporary, Buddhapalita’s, positions, though not his assertions about the divisions of karma. The Sautrantika-Svatantrika division of Madhyamaka traces from Bhavaviveka. Though the Yogachara-Svatantrika division of Madhyamaka, as elaborated by Shantarakshita (Zhi-ba ’tsho, Skt. Śantarakṣita) and Kamalashila (Ka-ma-la shī-la, Skt. Kamalaśīla) in the eighth century, follows Asanga’s Chittamatra presentation of karma, it is clear from Bhavaviveka’s commentary on Nagarjuna’s works that he accepted Nagarjuna’s presentation. 

Chandrakirti was a defender of Buddhapalita against Bhavaviveka’s critique, and Avalokitavrata, in turn, defended Bhavaviveka against Chandrakirti’s critique.

There have been many Tibetan commentators on Nagarjuna’s texts. Here, we shall look at only a sample of them: those written by the Gelug founder Tsongkhapa (Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa) (1357–1419), the Sakya master Gorampa (Go-ram-pa bSod-nams seng-ge) (1429–1489) and the Nyingma master Mipam (Mi-pham ’Jam-dbyangs rnam-rgyal rgya-mtsho) (1846–1912). I have not been able to locate a Kagyu commentary. The commentaries I’ve found all explain Nagarjuna’s presentation without any indication that they disagree with each other about how to interpret it.  

Here, we shall survey these various Indian and Tibetan commentaries in chronological order.
