Trainings for Bodhichitta Not to Decline or Be Lost

We were discussing bodhichitta and what it means to be a bodhisattva, and we saw what role taking the bodhisattva vows has in the general progression of developing bodhichitta, and in the stages of developing bodhichitta. What’s really important is to understand the role of these vows and when we actually take them. Many of us may take them a bit prematurely when we really haven’t fully developed even the initial stages of bodhichitta. Nevertheless, even with a limited understanding of bodhichitta and not sincerely thinking of absolutely everybody, trying to follow the guidelines of the bodhisattva vows is very beneficial.

However, even if we’ve taken the bodhisattva vows, we need to continue working on improving our generation and development of bodhichitta, and never trivialize what is actually involved with the state of mind of bodhichitta. Because not only is it initially aimed at absolutely everybody equally, which is enormously vast, but it’s also aimed at enlightenment – our own not-yet-happening enlightenment – which is a vast attainment, and we need to have some sort of accurate concept of it.
