Essential factor for a Thusly Gone One

Redirected from Womb for a Tathagata

The actual nature of the mind – either the voidness (emptiness) of the mind or the voidness of the deep awareness of the mind – when tarnished by fleeting stains. According to some commentaries, it includes only the naturally abiding family-traits; according to others, it also includes the evolving family-traits. Synonymous with Buddha-nature source, Essential factor for a Blissfully Gone One and Buddha-family-trait.

Tibetan: དེ་གཤེགས་སྙིང་པོ། de-gshegs snying-po

Sanskrit: tathāgatagarbha

Synonyms: Essential factor for a Tathagata; Womb for a Thusly Gone One; Womb for a Tathagata

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