Object to be gotten rid of by an accustoming pathway mind

An object that an accustoming pathway of mind (path of meditation) attains a true stopping of. (1) According to the Vaibhashika tenet system, these comprise the 10 automatically arising disturbing emotions and attitudes and their tendencies. (2) According to the Sautrantika system, these comprise the 13 automatically arising disturbing emotions and attitudes and their tendencies. (3) According to the Mahayana tenet systems, these comprise 16 automatically arising disturbing emotions and attitudes and their tendencies. (a) Chittamatra, Svatantrika and non-Gelug Prasangika include as well as the automatically arising cognitive obscurations. (b) Gelug Prasangika includes all cognitive obscurations.

Tibetan: སྒོམ་སྤང་། sgom-spang

Synonyms: Object of abandonment of the path of meditation; What an accustoming pathway mind gets rid of; Abandonments of the path of meditation; Riddances of what an accustoming pathway mind gets rid of

Other languages

Deutsch: Zu beseitigendes Objekt durch einen Pfadgeist des Sich-Gewöhnens

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