Existence established exclusively by being something imputed by conceptual cognition

Existence established exclusively by something being the referent object of an audio category or object category mentally labeled on a basis for labeling, or exclusively by something being the referent object of a word designated on a basis for designation. (1) In the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika and Svatantrika tenet systems, in addition, lacking substantially established existence. Totally refuted in the Vaibhashika system and restricted just to metaphysical entities (static phenomena) in the Sautrantika system. (2) In the Chittamatra system, in addition, lacking existence established by individual defining characteristic marks and thus restricted just to totally conceptional phenomena. (3) In the Svatantrika system, in addition, lacking existence established exclusively by individual defining characteristic marks. A totally refuted mode of existence. (4) In the Prasangika system, in addition, lacking self-established existence. The mode of existence of all validly knowable phenomena.

Tibetan: རྟོག་པས་བཏགས་པ་ཙམ་དུ་གྲུབ་པ། rtog-pas btags-pa-tsam-du grub-pa

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